Kee Yoeup Paek, Eun Joo Hahn and So Young Park. 2011. . |
Micropropropagation of Phalaenopsis orchids via protocorms and protocorm-like bodies. pp. 293-306. In: T.A. Thorpe and E.C. Yeung9eds.). Plant embryo culture: Methods and protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 710. Springer-verlag |
Yaser Hassan Dewir and Kee Yoeup Paek. 2011. |
The control of in vitro flowering and association of glutathione metabolism. pp. 77-108. In; A. Kumar and S. Roy, eds.). Plant tissue culture and applied plant biotechnology. Pointer Publisher. |
Elena Popova, Kee-Yoeup Paek and Haeng-Hoon Kim. 2011. |
Cryopreservation of medicinal plants: The case of in vitro cultures. pp. In; A. Kumar and S. Roy, eds.). Plant tissue culture and applied plant biotechnology. Pointer Publisher. |
K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy and E.J. Hahn. 2010. |
Mass propagation of ornamentals using bioreactor system. In: S.K. Datta and D. Chakrabarty (eds). Floriculture: role of tissue culture and molecular techniques. Pointer Publishers. P.28-45 |
K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, J.J. Zhong. 2009. |
Large scale culture of Ginseong adventitious roots for production of ginsenoside. In: T.Scheper, J.J. Zhong (eds). Advances in Biochemical Engineering/ Biotechnology. Springer. P. 151-176 |
K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy and E.J. Hahn. 2009. |
Establishment of adventitious root culture of Echinaceapurpurea for the production of caffeic acid derivates. In: S.M. Jain and P.K. Saxena(eds). Protocols for in vitro cultures and secondary metabolite analysis of aromatic and medicinal plants. Humana Press. (methods in molecular biology 547)p.3-16 |
Kee-Yoeup Paek and Eun-Joo Hahn. 2007. |
Plug Production of Gloral Crops in Korea.In:J.M.Lee,G.W.Choi,J.Janick,(eds)HorticultureinKorea.KoreanSocietyforHorticulturalScience.346-348 |
Choi Y.E., Y.S. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Types and Designs of Bioreactors for Hairy Root Culture. In: S. Dutta Gupta and Yasuomi Ibaraki, (eds.) Focus on Biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture Engineering. Springer Netherlands.pp.161-172 |
Paek, K.Y. and D. Chakrabarty. 2006. |
Application of bioreactor systems for mass propagation of horticultural plants. pp.472-477. In: (eds). Floriculture, Ornamental and plant biotechnology VolⅡ. Global science books, UK. |
Hahn, E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Multiplication of chrysanthemum shoots in bioreactors as affected by the culture method and inoculation density of single node stems. pp. 143-162. In: A.K. Hvoslef-Eide and W. reil, (eds.) Liquid culture systems for in vitro plant propagation. Springer-Verlag. |
Paek, K.Y., D. Chakrabarty and E.J. Hahn. 2005. |
Application of bioreactor systems for large scale production of horticultural and medicinal plants. pp.95-116. In: A.K. Hvoslef-Eide and W.Preil,(eds.)Liquidculturesystemsforin vitroplantpropagation.Springer-Verlag. |
Murthy H.N., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Micropropagation of orchids under photoautotrophic conditions. pp. 157-167. In : S. John Britto S.J. ed. Orchid, Bio-diversity and conservation. The Rapinat Herbarium. StJoseph'sCollege,Tiruchirap-palli,India. |
Murthy H.N., S.Y.Park,E.J.Hahn,andK.Y.Paek.2004. |
Invitropropagationofterrestrialorchidsbyrhizomecultures.pp.356-370.In:S.John BrittoS.J.ed.Orchid,Biodiversityandconservation.InstituteofNaturalResources. StJoseph'sCollege,Tiruchirappalli,India. |
Paek K.Y and D. Chakrabarty. 2003. |
Micropropagation of woody plants using bioreactor. In : S.M. Jain and K. Ishii (eds). Micropropagation of woody trees and fruits. pp. 735-756. Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Gao,W.Y., Gu, D.Y., Jo, Y.N., Sheon, J.H., Paek, K.Y. 2000. |
Physiological changes during cell culture and commercial application of bioreactor technology. In: Huwang, R.G(ed). Molecular pharmacognosy. PekingUniversityofmedicalschoolpublisher(Chinese) p.353-371. |
Paek K.Y. and H.N. Murthy. 2000. |
Temperate oriental cymbidium species. pp. 235-286. In: Orchid biology : Reviews and Perspectives, Ⅷ. T. Kull and J. Arditti, ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Son S.H. and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Large-scale production of medicinal plant species : The application of bioreactors for production of ginseng roots. pp. 139-150. In: Deve-lopment of plant-based medicines : Conservation, Efficacy and safety (P.K. Saxena, ed). Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Hahn E.J., S.J. Kim, K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000. |
Growth and acclimatization of chrysanthemum plantlets using bioreactor and hydroponic culture techniques. In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 274-278. |
Choi K.Y., K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000. |
Effect of air temperature on tip burn incidence of butterhead and leaf lettuce in a plant factory. In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 166-171. |
Paek K.Y., E.J. Hahn, J.W. Heo, S.H. Son. 2000. |
Micropropagation of ornamental plants using bioreactor system. In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 252-257. |
Seon J.H., K.W. Yu, Y.Y. Cui, M.H. Kim, S.J. Lee, S.H. Son, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Application of bioreactor for the production of saponin by adventitious roots cultures in Panaxginseng.Plantbiotechnologyandinvitrobiologyinthe21stcentury.KluwerAcademicPublishers.pp.329-332. |