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Invited Review Articles in Monograph Textbook from 1999
Invited Review Articles in Monograph Textbook from 1999
 Kee Yoeup Paek, Eun Joo Hahn and So Young Park. 2011. .
Micropropropagation of Phalaenopsis orchids via protocorms and protocorm-like bodies. pp. 293-306. In: T.A. Thorpe and E.C. Yeung9eds.). Plant embryo culture: Methods and protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 710. Springer-verlag
  Yaser Hassan Dewir and Kee Yoeup Paek. 2011.
The control of in vitro flowering and association of glutathione metabolism. pp. 77-108. In; A. Kumar and S. Roy, eds.). Plant tissue culture and applied plant biotechnology. Pointer Publisher.
  Elena Popova, Kee-Yoeup Paek and Haeng-Hoon Kim. 2011.
Cryopreservation of medicinal plants: The case of in vitro cultures. pp. In; A. Kumar and S. Roy, eds.). Plant tissue culture and applied plant biotechnology. Pointer Publisher.
  K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy and E.J. Hahn. 2010.
Mass propagation of ornamentals using bioreactor system. In: S.K. Datta and D. Chakrabarty (eds). Floriculture: role of tissue culture and molecular techniques. Pointer Publishers. P.28-45
  K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, J.J. Zhong. 2009.
Large scale culture of Ginseong adventitious roots for production of ginsenoside.
In: T.Scheper, J.J. Zhong (eds). Advances in Biochemical Engineering/ Biotechnology. Springer. P. 151-176
  K.Y. Paek, H.N. Murthy and E.J. Hahn. 2009.
Establishment of adventitious root culture of Echinaceapurpurea for the production of caffeic acid derivates.
In: S.M. Jain and P.K. Saxena(eds). Protocols for in vitro cultures and secondary metabolite analysis of aromatic and medicinal plants. Humana Press. (methods in molecular biology 547)p.3-16
  Kee-Yoeup Paek and Eun-Joo Hahn. 2007.
Plug Production of Gloral Crops in Korea.In:J.M.Lee,G.W.Choi,J.Janick,(eds)HorticultureinKorea.KoreanSocietyforHorticulturalScience.346-348
  Choi Y.E., Y.S. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2006.
Types and Designs of Bioreactors for Hairy Root Culture. In: S. Dutta Gupta and Yasuomi Ibaraki, (eds.)
Focus on Biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture Engineering. Springer Netherlands.pp.161-172
  Paek, K.Y. and D. Chakrabarty. 2006.
Application of bioreactor systems for mass propagation of horticultural plants. pp.472-477. In: (eds).
Floriculture, Ornamental and plant biotechnology VolⅡ. Global science books, UK.
  Hahn, E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2005.
Multiplication of chrysanthemum shoots in bioreactors as affected by the culture method and
inoculation density of single node stems. pp. 143-162. In: A.K. Hvoslef-Eide and W. reil, (eds.)
Liquid culture systems for in vitro plant propagation. Springer-Verlag.
  Paek, K.Y., D. Chakrabarty and E.J. Hahn. 2005.
Application of bioreactor systems for large scale production of horticultural and medicinal plants.
pp.95-116. In: A.K. Hvoslef-Eide and W.Preil,(eds.)Liquidculturesystemsforin vitroplantpropagation.Springer-Verlag.
  Murthy H.N., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004.
Micropropagation of orchids under photoautotrophic conditions. pp. 157-167. In : S. John Britto S.J. ed. Orchid,
Bio-diversity and conservation. The Rapinat Herbarium. StJoseph'sCollege,Tiruchirap-palli,India.
  Murthy H.N., S.Y.Park,E.J.Hahn,andK.Y.Paek.2004.
Invitropropagationofterrestrialorchidsbyrhizomecultures.pp.356-370.In:S.John BrittoS.J.ed.Orchid,Biodiversityandconservation.InstituteofNaturalResources.
  Paek K.Y and D. Chakrabarty. 2003.
Micropropagation of woody plants using bioreactor. In : S.M. Jain and K. Ishii (eds).
Micropropagation of woody trees and fruits. pp. 735-756. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  Gao,W.Y., Gu, D.Y., Jo, Y.N., Sheon, J.H., Paek, K.Y. 2000.
Physiological changes during cell culture and commercial application of bioreactor technology.
In: Huwang, R.G(ed). Molecular pharmacognosy. PekingUniversityofmedicalschoolpublisher(Chinese) p.353-371.
  Paek K.Y. and H.N. Murthy. 2000.
Temperate oriental cymbidium species. pp. 235-286. In: Orchid biology : Reviews and Perspectives,
Ⅷ. T. Kull and J. Arditti, ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers
  Son S.H. and K.Y. Paek. 2000.
Large-scale production of medicinal plant species : The application of bioreactors for production of ginseng roots. pp. 139-150. In: Deve-lopment of plant-based medicines : Conservation, Efficacy and safety (P.K. Saxena, ed). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  Hahn E.J., S.J. Kim, K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000.
Growth and acclimatization of chrysanthemum plantlets using bioreactor and hydroponic culture techniques.
In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 274-278.
  Choi K.Y., K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000.
Effect of air temperature on tip burn incidence of butterhead and leaf lettuce in a plant factory.
In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 166-171.
  Paek K.Y., E.J. Hahn, J.W. Heo, S.H. Son. 2000.
Micropropagation of ornamental plants using bioreactor system. In: C. Kubota and C. Chun, eds. Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 252-257.
  Seon J.H., K.W. Yu, Y.Y. Cui, M.H. Kim, S.J. Lee, S.H. Son, and K.Y. Paek. 1999.
Application of bioreactor for the production of saponin by adventitious roots cultures in Panaxginseng.Plantbiotechnologyandinvitrobiologyinthe21stcentury.KluwerAcademicPublishers.pp.329-332.