Xi-Hua Cui, H.N. Murthy, You-Xun Jin, Yong-Hyeon Yim, Ji-Yeong Kim and Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2011. |
Production of adventitious root biomass and secondary metabolites of Hypericum perforatum L. in ballon type airlift reactor. Bioresource Technology. 102:10072-10079. |
R.Z. Wu, M.A. Baque, K.Y. Paek 2011. |
Establishment of a Large-Scale Micropropagation System for Anoectochilus formosanus in Bioreactors. Acta Hort. 878:167-173 |
G. Sivakumar, F. Medina-Bolivar, J. O. Lay, M. C. Dolan, J. Condori, S. K. Grubbs, S. M. Wright, M. A. Baque, E. J. Lee, K. Y. Paek 2011 . |
Bioprocess and Bioreactor:Next Generation Technology for Production of Potential Plant-based Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Molecules. Current Medicinal Chemistry 18(1):79-90 |
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Detection of transgene in early developmental stage by GFP monitoring enhances the efficiency of genetic transformation of pepper. Plant Biotechnol Rep. 5(2):157-167 |
SY Park, HM Cho, HK Moon,YW Kim, KY Paek. 2011. |
Genotypic variation and effects on the embryigenic capability of Kalopanx septemlobus. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 105(2):265-270 |
YK Shin, Md. Baque, EJ Lee, KY Paek. 2011. |
Effects of activated charcoal, plant growth regulators and ultrasonic pre-treatments of in vitro germination and protocorm formation of Calanthe Gybrids. Australian Fournal of Crop Science 5(5):582-588 |
EJ Lee, SH Moh, KY Paek. 2011. |
Influence of inoculum densiyt and aeration volume on biomass and bioactive compound production in bulb-type bubble bioreactor cultures of Eleutherococcus koreanum Nakai. 102(14):7165-7170 |
M.A. Baque, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2010. |
Growth, secondary metabolite production and antioxidant enzyme response of Morinda citrifolia adventitious root as affected by auxin and cytokinin. Plant Biotechnol Rep. 4:109-116 |
M.A. Baque, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2010. |
Induction mechanism of adventitious root from leaf explantsof Morinda citrifolia as affected by auxin and light quality. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology ? Plant. 46:71-80 |
Xi-Hua Cui, Debasis Chakrabarty, Eun-Jung Lee, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2010. |
Production of adventitious roots and secondary metabolites by Hypericum perforatum L. in a bioreactor. Bioresource Technology. 101(12) 4708-4716 |
Y.H.Dewir, D.Chakrabarty, S-H Lee, E-J Hahn, K-Y Paek. 2010. |
Indirect regeneration of withania somnifera and comparative analysis of withanolides in in vitro and greenhouse grown plants. Biologia Plantarum. 54(2) 357-360 |
Y.K. Shin, Y.J. Yoon, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) Affects Growth, Photosynthesis and Acclimatization of Phalaenopsis 'Amaglade' Plantlets. Hounal of Horticultural Science and Technology.. 27:476-481 |
J.A. Cheong, E.J. Hahn, C.H.Wu, H.N.Murthy, K.Y. Paek,. 2009. |
Application of an airlift bioreactor system for the production of adventitious root biomass and caffeic acid derivatives of Echinacea purpurea. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 14:91-98 |
H.W Choi, D.H. Koo, K.H. Bang, N.S Seong, J.W Bang, K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
FISH and GISH analysis of the genomic relationships among Panax species. Genes & Genomics. 31:99-105 |
Md.A.Baque, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Induction mechanism of adventitious root from leaf explants of Morinda citrifolia as affected by auxin and light quality, 2010.02. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology ? Plant.. 46: 71-80 |
S.Y. Park, H.N.Murthy, D.Chakrabarthy, K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Detection of epigenetic variation in tissue-culture-derived plants of Doritaenopsis by methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) analysis , 2009.02. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. 45:104-108 |
Zhi-Wei Lu, Elena V.P, Chun-Hua Wu, E.J. Lee, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Cryopreservation of Ginko biola cell culture: Effect of pretreatment with sucrose and ABA.Cryoletters. 30:232-243 |
T-H. Kim, S.H.Jeon, E.J. Hahn, J.k.Park,N.Y.Youn,H.R.Lee,K.Y.Paek,.2009. |
Effects of tissue-cultured mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) extract on male patients with erectile dysfunction . Asian Journal of Andrology. 11:356-361 |
Y.H. Lee, Min Cheong, Sun Hee Shin, Ji Hee Lee, Soon Ho Choi,NamHanHer,JangHaLee,K.Y.Paek.2009. |
Transgenic peppers that are highly tolerant to a new CMV pathotype . Plant Cell Reports. 28:223-232 |
Chun Hua Wu, Elena V.Popova, Eun Joo Hahn, Kee Yeoup Paek. 2009. |
Linoleic and a-linolenic fatty acids affect biomass and secondary metabolite production and nutritive properties of Panax ginseng adventitious roots cultured in bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 47:109-115 |
Hosakatte Niranjana Murthy, and Eun-Joo Hahn,Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2009. |
Establishment of Adventitious Root Cultures of Echinasea purpurea for the Production of Caffeic Acid Derivatives .Methods in Molecular Biology. 547:3-16 |
Hosakatte Niranjana Murthy, Eun-Joo Hahn, and Jian-Jiang Zhong,Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2009. |
Large Scale Culture of Ginseng Adventitious Roots for Production of Ginsenosides . Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol. 113:151-176 |
Suk Young Oh, Chun Hua Wu, Elena Popova, Eun Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2009. |
Cryopreservation of Panax ginseng Adventitious Roots. J.Plant Biol. 52(4)348-354 |
Elena V.Popova, Eun-Jung Lee, Chun-Hua Wu, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yeoup Paek. 2009. |
A simple method for cryopreservation of Ginkgo biloba callus. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture . 97:337-343 |
Eun-A Jo, Rajesh Kumar Tewari, Eun- Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2009. |
In vitro sucrose concentration affects growth and acclimatization of Alocasia amazonica plantlets . Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 96:307-315 |
R.K. Tewari, P. Kumar, S. Kim, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2009. |
Nitric oxide retards xanthine oxidase-mediated superoxide anion generation in Phalaenopsis flower: an implication of NO in the senescence and oxidative stress regulation. Plant Cell Reports. 28(2). 267-279 |
Y.J. Yoon, M. Mobin, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2009. |
Impact of in vitro CO2 enrichment and sugar deprivation on acclimatory responses of Phalaenopsis plantlets to ex vitro conditions . Environmental and Experimental Botany. 65(2-3). 183-188 |
S. Jeong, H.N. Murthy, H.L. Lee, E.J.Hahn, and K.Y.Paek. 2008. |
Inoculum size and auxin concentration influence the growth of adventitious roots and accumulation of ginsenosides in suspension cultures of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 31(1). 219-222 |
H.N.Murthy, C. Dijkstra, P. Anthony, D.A. White, M.R. Davey, J.B. Power, E.J.Hahn, and K.Y.Paek. 2008. |
Establishment of Withania somnifera hairy root cultures for the production of withanolide A.. Journal of Intigrative Biology. 50(8). 975-981 |
E.A. Jo, R.K. Tewari, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Effect of photoperiod and light intensity on in vitro propagation of Alocasia amazonica. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 2(3). 207-212 |
C.H. Wu, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Establishment of adventitious root co-culture of Ginseng and Echinacea for the production of secondary metabolites. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 30(6). 891-896 |
W.K. Jeon, B.K. Yoo, Y.E. Kim, S.O. Park, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek, and B.S. Ko.. 2008. |
Anti-platelet Activity of Tissue-cultured Mountain Ginseng Adventitious Roots in Human Whole Blood. Food Science and Biotechnology. 17(6). 1197-1202 |
E.A. Jo, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Micropropagation of Alocasia amazonica using semisolid and liquid cultures. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. 44(3). 26-32 |
C.H. Wu, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Efficient Extraction of Caffeic Acid Derivatives from Adventitious Roots of Echinacea purpurea. Czech. Journal of Food Science. 26(4). 254-258 |
K.S. Shin, H.N. Murthy, J.W. Heo, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
The effect of light quality on the growth and development of in vitro cultured Doritaenopsis plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 30(3). 339-343 |
Y.H. Dewir, D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, S.K. Datta, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Kinetics of nutrient utilization and photosynthetic enzyme activities during floral versus vegetative differentiation of Spathiphyllum in air-lift bioreactor cultures. Plant Growth Regulation. 54(2). 157-164 |
C.S. Jeong, H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Improved production of ginsenosides in suspension cultures of ginseng by medium replenishment strategy. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 105(3). 288-291 |
R.K. Tewari, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Function of nitric oxide and superoxide anion in the adventitious root development and antioxidant defence in Panax ginseng. Plant Cell Reports. 27(3). 563-573 |
A.M. Shohael, H.N. Murth, H.L. Lee, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Increased eleutheroside production in Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus embryogenic suspension cultures with methyl jasmonate treatment. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 38(2). 270-273 |
Rajesh Kumar Tewari, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Modulation of copper toxicity-induced oxidative damage by nitric oxide supply in the adventitious roots of Panax ginseng. Plant Cell Reports. 27(1). 171-181 |
Mohammad Babar Ali, Yaser Hassan Dewir, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Effect of carbon dioxide on antioxidant enzymes and ginsenoside production in root suspension cultures of Panax ginseng. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 63(1-3). 297-304 |
Serida Khatun, MD. Babar Ali, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Copper toxicity in Withania somnifera: Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of in vitro grown plants . Environmental and Experimental Botany. 64(3). 279-285 |
Saifullah Ahmed, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Aeration Volume and Photosynthetic Photon Flux Affect Cell Growth and Secondary Metabolite Contents in Bioreactor Cultures of Morinda citrifolia. Journal of Plant Biology. 51(3).209-212 |
H.N.Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2008. |
Adventitious Roots and Secondary Metabolism . Chinese Journal of Biotechnology. 24(5).711-716 |
H.N.Murthy, E.J.Hahn, K.Y.Paek. 2008. |
Recurrent somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Coriandrum sativum L.. Scientia Horticulturae. 168-171 |
Rajesh Kumar Tewari, Soohyun Kim, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Involvement of nitric oxide-induced NADPH oxidase in adventitious root growth and antioxidant defense in Panax ginseng. Plant Biotechnol Rep. 113-122 |
Kim S.J., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, H.L. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2008. |
Effect of processing methods on the concentrations of bioactive components of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) adventitious roots. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 41(6) 959-964. |
Tewari RK, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2008. |
Modulation of copper toxicity-induced oxidative damage by nitric oxide supply in the adventitious roots of Panax ginseng. Plant Cell Reports. 27(1):171-81 |
Chun-Hua Wu, Rajesh Kumar Tewari, Eun-Joo Hahn, and Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2007. |
Nitric Oxide Elicitation Induces the Accumulation of Secondary Metabolites and Antioxidant Defense in Adventitious Roots of Echinacea purpurea. Journal of Plant Biology. 636-643 |
Rajesh Kumar Tewari, Soo Yeon Lee, Eun Joo Hahn, Kee Yoeup Paek. 2007. |
Temporal changes in the growth, saponin content and antioxidant defense in the adventitious roots of Panax ginseng subjected to nitric oxide elicitation. Plant Biotechnol Rep. 227-235 |
Tewari RK, S.Y. Lee, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Temporal changes in the growth, saponin content and antioxidant defence in the adventitious roots of Panad ginseng subjected to nitric oxide elicitation. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 1(4):227-235 |
Yoon Y.J., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Biomass production of Anectochilus formosanus Hayata in a bioreactor system. J. of Plant Biology. 50(5):573-576 |
Dewir Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, M.B. Ali, N. Singh, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Influence of GA3, sucrose and solid medium/bioreactor culture on in vitro flowering of Spathiphyllum and association of glutathione metabolism. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 90(3):225-235 |
Shohael A.M., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Methyl jasmonate induced overproduction of eleutherosides in somatic embryos of Eleutherococcus senticosus cultured in bioreactors . Electronic Journal of Biotechnology.10(4) 633-637 |
Wu C.H., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Improved production of caffeic acid derivatives in suspension cultures of Echinacea purpurea by medium replenishment strategy . Archives of Pharmacal Research. 30:945-949 |
Wu C.H., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Enhanced production of caftaric acid, chlorogenic acid and cichoric acid in suspension cultures of Echinacea purpurea by the manipulation of incubation temperature and photoperiod . Biochemical Engineering Journal. 36(3):301-303 |
Kim Y.S, E.C. Yeung, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Combined effects of phytohormone, indole-3-butyric acid, and methyl jasmonate on root growth and ginenoside production in adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer . Biotechnology Letters. 29(11):1789-1792 |
Lee S.H., R.K. Tewari, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Photo flux density and light quality induce changes in growth, stomatal development, photosynthesis and transpiration of Withania Somnifera (L.) Dunal. plantlets . Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 90:141-151 |
Kim S.J., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, H.L. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Parameters affecting the extraction of ginsenosides from the adventitious roots of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer).Separation and Purification Technology. 56:401-406 |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid induced oxidative stress and accumulation of penolics in Panax ginseng bioreactor root suspension cultures. Molecules. 12(3):607-621 |
Wu C.H., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2007. |
Large scale cultivation of Echinacea purpurea adventitious roots in airlift bioreactors for the production of chichoric acid, chlorogenic acid and caftaric acid.Biotechnology Letters. 29(8):1179-1182 |
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Enhanced tolerance of transgenic sweetpotato plants that express both CuZnSOD and APX in chloroplasts to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress and chilling.Molecular Breeding. 19(3):227-239 |
Chakrabarty D., Y.H. Dewir, E.J. Hahn, S.K. Datta and K. Y. Paek. 2007. |
The dynamics of nutrient utilization and growth of apple root stock ‘M9 EMLA' in temporary versus continuous immersion bioreactors. Plant Growth Regulation. 51(1):11-19 |
Dewir Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
The effects of paclobutrazol, light emitting diodes(LEDs) and sucrose on flowering of Euphorbia millii plantlets in vitro. Europ. Hort. Sci. 71(6):240-244 |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Protective role of Panax ginseng extract on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in polyethylene glycol induced Spathiphyllum leaves. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 32(3):143-148 |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Copper-induced changes in the growth, oxidative metabolism, and saponin production in suspension culture roots of Panax ginseng in bioreactors . Plant Cell Reports. 25(10):1122-1132 |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Enhancement of phenylpropanoid enzymes and lignin in Phalaenopsis orchid and their influence on plant acclimatisation at different levels of photosynthetic photon flux . Plant Growth Regulation. 49(2-3):137-146. |
Nguyen T.T., H.N. Murthy, K.W. Yu, C.S. Jeong, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effect of oxygen supply on cell growth and saponin production in bioreactor cultures. Journal of plant physiology. 163(12):1337-1341 |
Hiregoudar, L.V., H.N. Murthy, J.G. Bhat, A. Nayeem, B.P. Hema, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Rapid clonal propagation of Vitex trifolia. Biologia Plantarum 50:291-294 |
Park, S.Y., K.S. Shin and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Increased ethylene and decreased phenolic compounds stimulate somatic embryo regeneration in leaf thin section cultures of Doritaenopsis hybrid. J. Plant Biology 49:358-363 |
Dewir Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, M.B. Ali, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek.. 2006. |
Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities of Euphorbia millii hyperhydric shoots. Environmental and Experimental Botany 58:93-99. |
Pandey D.M., K.W. Yu, R.Z. Wu, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effects of different irradiances on the photosynthetic process during ex-vitro acclimation of Anoectochilus plantlets. Photo-synthetica 44(3):419-424. |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Antioxidative responses of Echinacea angustifolia cultured roots to different levels of CO2 in bioreactor liquid cultures. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 39(5):982-990. |
Ali M.B., K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid elicitation induces ginsenosides accumulation, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant in suspension culture Panax ginseng roots in bioreactors. Plant Cell Reports 25(6):613-620. |
Sivakumar G., K.W. Yu, J.S. Lee, J.K. Kang, H.L. Lee, W.J. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Tissue Cultured Mountain Ginseng Adventitious RootsTM: Safety and Toxicity Evaluation. Eng.LifeSci.6(4):1-13. |
Ali M.B., N. Singh, A.M. Shohael, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Phenolics metabolism and lignin synthesis in root suspension cultures of Panax ginseng in response to copper stress. Plant Science 171(1):147-154. |
Shohael A.M., M.B. Ali, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effect of temperature on secondary metabolites production and antioxidant enzyme activities in Eleutherococcus senticosus somatic embryos. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 85(2):219-228. |
Sivakumar G., K.W. Yu and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Enhanced production of bioactive ginsenosides from adventitious roots of Panax ginseng in bioreactor culture. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 81(3):549-552. |
Sivakumar G., J.W. Heo, T. Kozai, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effect of continuous or intermittent radiation on sweet potato plantlets in vitro. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 81(3):546-548. |
Shohael A.M., M.B. Ali, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, R. Islam, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effect of light on oxidative stress, secondary metabolites and induction of antioxidant enzymes in Eleutherococcus senticosus somatic embryos in bioreactor. Process Biochemistry 41(5):1179-1185. |
Chakrabarty D., S.Y.Park,M.B.Ali,K.S.Shin,andK.Y.Paek.2006. |
Hyperhydricityinapple:ultrastucturalandphysiologicalaspects.TreePhysiology26(3):377-388. |
Shohael A.M., D. Chakrabarty, M.B. Ali, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, H.L. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Enhancement of eleutherosides production in embryogenic cultures of Eleutherococcus se-ssiliflorus in response to sucrose-induced osmotic stress. Process Biochemistry 41(3):512-518. |
Pandey D.M., R.Z. Wu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Drought effect on eletrophoretic protein pattern of Anoectochilus formosanus. Scientia Horticulturae 107(2):205-209. |
Jeong C.S., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, H.L. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Effects of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene on growth and bioactive compound production in bioreactor culture of ginseng adventitious roots. Biochemical Engineering Journal 27(3):191-344. |
Jeon M.H., B.M. Ali, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Photosynthetic pigments, morphology and leaf gas exchange during ex vitro acclimatization of micropropagated CAM Doritaenopsis plantlets under relative humidity and air temperature. Environmental and Experimental Botany 55:183-194. |
Sivakumar G. and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Methyl jasmonate induce enhanced production of soluble biophenols in Panax ginseng adventitious roots from commercial scale bioreactors. Chemistry of National Compounds 41(6):669-673. |
Sivakumar G., K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Biosafe ginseng: a novel source for human well-being. Engineering In Life Sciences 5(6):527-533. |
Sivakumar G., S.J. Kim, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Optimizing environmental factors for large-scale multiplication of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandi-florum) in balloon-type bioreactor culture. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol.-Plant 41(6):822-825. |
Shohael A.M., D. Chakrabarty, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Application of bioreactor system for large-scale production of Eleutherococcus sessiliflor-us somatic embryos in an air-lift bioreactor and production of eleutherosides. Journal of Biotechnology 120(2):228-236. |
Dewir Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, M.B. Ali, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek . 2005. |
Effects of hydroponic solution EC, substrates, PPF and nutrient scheduling on growth and photosynthetic competence during acclimatization of micropropagated spathiphyllum plantlets. Plant Growth Regulation 46(3):241-251. |
Dewir Y.H., E.J. Hahn, D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Reversion of inflorescence development in Euphorbia millii and its application to large-scale micropropagation in an air-lift bioreactor. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80(5):581-587. |
Han B.H., B.Y. Yae, H.J. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Improvement of in vitro micropropagation of Lilium oriental hybrid 'Casablanca'bytheformationofshootswithabnormallyswollenbasalplantes.ScientiaHorticulturae103(3):351-359. |
Sheelavanthmath S.S., H.N. Murthy, B.P. Hema, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek 2005. |
High frequency of protocorm like bodies (PLBs) induction and plant regeneration from protocorm and leaf sections of Aerides crispum. Scientia Horticulturae 106(3):395-401. |
Sivakumar G., K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek 2005. |
Optimization of organic nutrients for ginseng hairy roots production in large-scale bioreactors. Current Science 89(4):641-649. |
Yu K.W., H.N. Murthy, C.S. Jeong, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Organic germanium stimulates the growth of ginseng adventitious roots and ginsenoside production. Process Bio-chemistry 40:2959-2961. |
Ali M.B., T.T. Nguyen, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek and H. L. Lee. 2005. |
Induction in the antioxidative systems and lipid peroxidation in suspension culture roots of Panax ginseng induced by oxygen in bioreactors. Plant Science 169(5):833-841. |
Sivakumar G., K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Production of biomass and ginsenosides from adventitious roots of Panax ginseng in bioreactor cultures. Engineering In Life Sciences 4:333-342. |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Effects of light intensities on antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde content during short-term acclimatization on micropropagated Phalaen-opsis plantlet. Environmental and Experimental Botany 54(2):109-120. |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
CO2-induced total phenolics in suspension cultures of Panax ginseng C. A. Mayer roots: role of antioxidants and enzymes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43(5):423-502. |
Ali M.B., K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Differential responses of anti-oxidants enzymes, lipoxygenase activity, ascorbate content and the production of saponins in tissue cultured root of mountain Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer and Panax quinquefolium L. in bioreactor subjected to methyl jasmonate stress. Plant Science 169:83-92. |
Thanh N.T., H.N.Murthy, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Methyl jasmonate elicitation enhanced synthesis of ginsenoside by cell suspension cultures of Panax ginseng in 5-l balloon type bubble bioreactors. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 67(2):197-201. |
Park S.Y., J.K. Ahn, W.Y. Lee, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Mass production of Eleutherococcus koreanum plants via somatic embryogenesis from root cultures and accumu-lation of eleutherosides in regenerants. Plant Science 168:1221-1225. |
Jeon M.H., B.M. Ali, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Effects of photon flux density on the morphology, photosynthesis and growth of the orchid, Doritaenopsis during post micropro-pagation acclimatization. Plant Growth Regulation 45:139-147. |
Hahn E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Multiplication of Chrysanthemum shoots in bioreactors as affected by culture method and inoculation density of single node stems. Plant Cell, tissue and Organ Culture 81(3):301-306. |
Ali M.B., E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Effect of temperature on oxidative stress defense systems, lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase activity in Palaenopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43(3)213-223. |
Paek K.Y., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn. 2005. |
Application of bioreactor systems for large scale production of horticultural and medicinal plants. Plant Cell, tissue and Organ Culture 81(3):287-300. |
Yu K.W., H.N. Murthy, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Ginsenoside production by hairly root cultures of Panax ginseong : influence of temperature and light quality. Biochemical Engineering J. 23:53-56. |
Sivakumar G., K.V.Krishnamurthy, J. Hao, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Colchicine production in Gloriosa superba Calluses by feeding precursors. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 40(5):499-502. |
Kim Y.S., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Adventitious root growth and ginsenoside accumulation in Panax ginseng cultures as affected by methyl jasmonate. Biotechnology Letters 26:1619-1622. |
Nhut D.T., Q.T. Nguyen, T.N. Pham, T.B.T Pham, V.B. Nguyen V.L. Bui, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Effect of aeration on the growth and development of Gypsophyla paniculata L. cultured in vitro. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 4(2):48-52. |
Nhut D.T., J.A. Teixeira da Silva, P.X. Huyen and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
The importance of explant source on regeneration and micropropagation of Gladiolus by liquid shake culture. Scientia Horticulturae 102:407-414. |
Han B.H., H.J. Yu, B.W. Yae and P.K. Paek. 2004. |
In vitro micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum 'Georgia'byshootformationasinfluenced byadditionofliquidmedium.ScientiaHorticulturae103:39-49. |
Kim E.K., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Enhanced shoot and bulblet proliferation of garlic(Allium sativum L.) in bioreactor system. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 79:818-822. |
Sivakumar G., K.V. Krishnamurthy, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Enhanced in vitro production of colchicine in Gloriosa superba L. - an emerging industrial medicinal crop in SouthIndia.JournalofHorticulturalScience& Biotechnology 79(4):602-605. |
Ket N.V., E.J.HahnS.Y.Park,D.Chakrabarty,andK.Y.Paek.2004. |
MicropropagationofanendangeredorchidAnoectochilusformosanus.BiologiaPlantarum48(3):339-344. |
Cui Y.Y., D.M. Pandey, E.J. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Effect of drought on physiological aspects of Crassulacean acid metabolism in Doritaenopsis. Plant Science 167(6):1219-1226. |
Kim S.J., E.J. Hahn, J.W. Heo, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Effects of LEDs on net photosynthetic rate, growth and leaf stomata of chrysanthemum plantlets in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae 101:143-151. |
Heo J.W., D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Longevity and quality of cut 'Master' carnation and 'Red Sandra' rose flowers as affected by red light. Plant Growth Regulation 42:169-174. |
Piao X.C., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
The growth and photosynthetic characteristics of potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets as affected by hydroponic solution pH and EC, light, CO2. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129(1):100-105. |
Lian M.L., X.C. Piao, K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Propagation of bulblets in Lilium 'Casa Blanca' using bioreactor. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 30(4):479-481. |
Shin K.S., H.N. Murthy, J.W. Heo, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Induction of betalain pigmentation in hairy roots of red beet under different radiation sources. Biologia Plantarum 47(1):149-152. |
Lian M.L, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Photoautotrophic culture conditions and photosynthetic photon flux influence growth of Lilium bulblets in vitro. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol.-Plant 39:532-535. |
L.V. Hiregoudar, H.N. Murthy, B.P. Hema, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Multiple shoot induction and plant regeneration of Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle. Scientia Horticulturae 98:357-364. |
Chakrabarty D., E.J. Hahn, Y.J. Yoon, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Micropropagation of apple rootstock M.9 EMLA using bioreactor. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78(5):605-609. |
Murthy H.N., Jeong J.H., Choi Y.E., and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of niger(GuizotiaabyssinicaL.f.Cass.Usingseedingexplants.PlantCellReports21:1183-1187. |
Shim S.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
In vitro and ex vitro growth of grapevine rootstock '5BB' as influenced by number of air exchanges and presence or absence of sucrose in culture media. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 75:57-62. |
Chakrabarty D., K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Detection of DNA methylation changes during somatic embryogenesis of Siberian ginseng (Eleuterococcus senticosus). Plant Science 165:61-68. |
Kim Y.S., Hahn E.J., Yeung E.C., and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Lateral root development and saponin accumulation as affected by IBA or NAA in adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol.-Plant 39:245-249. |
Ashok Kumar H.G., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Embryogenesis and plant regeneration from anther cultures of Cucumis sativus L.. Scientia Horticulturae 98:213-222. |
Chang H.S., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Micropropagation of calla lily(Zantedeschia albomaculata) via in vitro shoot tip proliferation. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Plant 39:129-134. |
Lian M.L, D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Bulblet formation from bulbscale segments of Lilium using bioreactor system. Biologia Plantarum 46(2):199-203. |
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A simple method for mass production of potato microtubers using a bioreactor system. Current Science 84(8):1129-1132. |
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Protocorm-like body induction and subsequent plant regeneration from root tip cultures of Doritaenopsis. Plant Science 164:919-923. |
Jeong J.H., K.W. Yu, D. Chakrabarty, S.J. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
In vitro regeneration and plantlet formation from adventitious roots of Rehmannia Glutinosa Liboschits. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 2(2):19-23. |
Shin K.S., D. Chakrabarty, J.Y. Ko, S.S. Han, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Sucrose utilization and mineral nutrient uptake during hariy root growth of red beet(Beta vulagaris L.) in liquid culture. Plant Growth Regulation 39:187-193. |
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Growth of Lilium oriental hybrid 'Casablanca'bulbletusingbioreactorculture.ScientiaHorticulturae97:41-48. |
Kim E.K, E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
High frequency of shoot multiplication and bulblet formation of garlic in liquid cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 73:231-236. |
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Growth and betacyanin production by hairy roots of Beta vulgaris in airlift bioreactors. Biotechnology Letters 24:2067-2069. |
Heo J.W., C.W. Lee, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Influence of light quality and photo period on flowering of Cyclamen persicum Mill.cv.'Dixie Whit'. Plant Growth Regulation 40:7-10. |
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Growth responses of marigold and salvia bedding plants as affected by monochromic or mixture radiation provided by a light-emitting diode(LED). Plant Growth Regulation 38:225-230. |
Shin K.S., D. Charkrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Sprouting rate, change of carbohydrate contents and related enzymes during cold treatment of lily bulblets regenerated in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae 96:195-204. |
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Culture method and photosynthetic photon flux affect photosynthesis, growth and survival of Limonium 'Misty Blue' in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae 95:239-249. |
Lian M.L., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Effects of light emitting diodes (LEDs) on the in vitro induction and growth of bulblets of Lilium oriental hybrid 'Pesaro'.ScientiaHorticulturae94:365-370. |
Ashok Kumar H.G., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Gymnema sylvestre. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 71:85-88. |
Park S.Y., E.C. Yeung, D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
An efficient direct induction of protocorm-like bodies from leaf subepidermal cells of Dortitaenopsis hybrid using thin-section culture. PlantCellRep.21:46-51. |
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Jasmonic acid improves ginsenoside accumulation in adventitious root culture of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. J. Biochemical Engineering 11:211-215. |
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Growth and uptake of sucrose and mineral ions by bulblet of Lilium oriental hybrid ‘Casablanca’during bioreactor culture. J. Hort. Sci. & Biotech. 77(3):253-257. |
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In vitro propagation of Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl.-A threatened orchid. Indian J. of experimental biology 40:620-623. |
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Rapid propagation of phalaenopsis from floral stalk-derived leaves. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol.-Plant 38:168-172. |
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High frequency of bulblet regeneration of bulb scale sections of Fritillaria thunbergii. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 68:247-252. |
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High photosynthetic photon flux and high CO2 concentration under imcreased number of air exchanges promote growth and photosynthesis of four kinds of orchid plantlets in vitro. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 37:678-682. |
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High frequency adventitious shoot induction and plant regeneration from leaves of statice. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 65:123-128. |
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Application of bioreactor cultures for the large-scale micropropagation of plants. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Plant 37(2):284-292. |
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Yellow and red pigment production by cell cultures of Carthamustinctoriusinabioreactor.PlantCell,TissueandOrganCulture60:95-100. |
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Cytokinins, auxins and activated charcoal affect organogenesis and anatomical characteristics of shoot-tip cultures of Lisianthus [Eustomagrandiflorum(Raf.)shinn].InVitroCell.Dev.Biol.-Plant36:128-132. |
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Mass multiplication of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) using bioreactor system and subsequent plant regeneration in Phalaenopsis. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 63:67-72. |
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