1. Paek et al. 2011. |
Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology(-chapter 4. The Control of in vitro Flowering and Association of Glutathione Metabolism.) Pointer pulishers. pp77-108. |
2. Paek et al. 2009. |
The control of orchid disease and physiological disorder. Good Soil, p.267. |
3. Paek, K.Y and E.J. Hahn. 2009. |
Proc. 9thAsia-pacificorchidconference.SeokwangPrintechCo.p.512. |
4. P.E Read and Paek, K.Y. 2007. |
Proc. Of Intl Sy, on Plant biotechnology: from bench to commercialization. ISHS, Acta Hort 764 p.336. |
5. Paek et al. 2005. |
Flower distribution and economics. Wizvelly. P.174 |
6. Paek et al. 2005. |
Flower quality control and management. Wizvelly. P.200 |
7. Paek et al.2005. |
Flower decoration. Wizvelly. P.265 |
8. Paek et al(54). 2005. |
Flower materials and morphology. Wizvelly. P.270. |
9. Paek et al(2). 2001. |
High quality production technology in rose. Doseochulpan Gaesin. P.183 |
10. Paek et al(19). 2001. |
2nd Ed. Plant tissue culture and techniques. Hyangmunsa. p.466 |
11. Paek et al(3).1999. |
Varieties and seeds. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p.463 |
12. Paek et al(3). 1998. |
Physiological disorder and disease in rose. Doschulpan Seowon. P.118 |
13. Paek et al(11). |
1998. Plant tissue culture. Rural Development Administration. P.448 |
14. Paek et al. 1998. |
General floriculture. Munundang. P.469 |
15. Paek et al(6). 1997 |
.Horticultural therapy. Doschulpan Seowon. P. 320 |
16. Paek et al(5). 1996. |
Lily: Bulb production and cultivation technology for cut flower. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p. 279 |
17. Paek et al(9). 1996. |
Plant growth regulator. Nongwon. P.606 |
18. Paek et al(21). 1996. |
Advanced plant biotechnology II. KyungpookUniv.Press.P.612 |
19. Paek et al(17). 1995. |
Advanced plant biotechnology I. Kyungpook Univ. Press. P.671 |
20. Paek et al(6). 1995. |
Orchid: from basic technology to professional management. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p.400 |
21. Paek et al(12).1992. |
Plant biotechnology. KyungpookUniv.Press.P.795 |
22. Paek et al(24). 1991. |
Haploid and plant breeding. Hyungseol Publ. Co. p.343 |
23. Paek et al(11). 1987. |
Advanced detail floriculture. Sunjinmunhwasa. P551 |
24. Paek et al(4).1987. |
Plant tissue culture and technique. Hyangmunsa. P.368 |
25. Paek et al(3). 1986. |
Plant growth regulators. Theory and agricultural application. Yo-ungnamUniversityPress.P286 |