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Edited Book
Edited Book
 1. Paek et al. 2011.
Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology(-chapter 4. The Control of in vitro Flowering and Association of Glutathione Metabolism.) Pointer pulishers. pp77-108.
 2. Paek et al. 2009.
The control of orchid disease and physiological disorder. Good Soil, p.267.
 3. Paek, K.Y and E.J. Hahn. 2009.
Proc. 9thAsia-pacificorchidconference.SeokwangPrintechCo.p.512.
 4. P.E Read and Paek, K.Y. 2007.
Proc. Of Intl Sy, on Plant biotechnology: from bench to commercialization. ISHS, Acta Hort 764 p.336.
 5. Paek et al. 2005.
Flower distribution and economics. Wizvelly. P.174
 6. Paek et al. 2005.
Flower quality control and management. Wizvelly. P.200
 7. Paek et al.2005.
Flower decoration. Wizvelly. P.265
 8. Paek et al(54). 2005.
Flower materials and morphology. Wizvelly. P.270.
 9. Paek et al(2). 2001.
High quality production technology in rose. Doseochulpan Gaesin. P.183
 10. Paek et al(19). 2001.
2nd Ed. Plant tissue culture and techniques. Hyangmunsa. p.466
 11. Paek et al(3).1999.
Varieties and seeds. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p.463
 12. Paek et al(3). 1998.
Physiological disorder and disease in rose. Doschulpan Seowon. P.118
 13. Paek et al(11).
1998. Plant tissue culture. Rural Development Administration. P.448
 14. Paek et al. 1998.
General floriculture. Munundang. P.469
 15. Paek et al(6). 1997
.Horticultural therapy. Doschulpan Seowon. P. 320
 16. Paek et al(5). 1996.
Lily: Bulb production and cultivation technology for cut flower. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p. 279
 17. Paek et al(9). 1996.
Plant growth regulator. Nongwon. P.606
 18. Paek et al(21). 1996.
Advanced plant biotechnology II. KyungpookUniv.Press.P.612
 19. Paek et al(17). 1995.
Advanced plant biotechnology I. Kyungpook Univ. Press. P.671
 20. Paek et al(6). 1995.
Orchid: from basic technology to professional management. Nongmin Newspaper Co. p.400
 21. Paek et al(12).1992.
Plant biotechnology. KyungpookUniv.Press.P.795
 22. Paek et al(24). 1991.
Haploid and plant breeding. Hyungseol Publ. Co. p.343
 23. Paek et al(11). 1987.
Advanced detail floriculture. Sunjinmunhwasa. P551
 24. Paek et al(4).1987.
Plant tissue culture and technique. Hyangmunsa. P.368
 25. Paek et al(3). 1986.
Plant growth regulators. Theory and agricultural application. Yo-ungnamUniversityPress.P286