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Techinal Papers and Review Articles in International Sym. Proceedings
Techinal Papers and Review Articles in International Sym. Proceedings
 S.Y. Park and K.Y. Paek. 2009.
Micropropagation system via somatic embryogenesis of Doritaenopsis and its epigenetic stability.
Proc. of 9thAsiaPacificOrchidConference.P.484-491
  E.J. Hahn, S.Y.Park,K.Y.Paek.2009.
Proc. of 9thAsiaPacificOrchidConference.P.463-470
  E.J. Hahn, C.H. Wu, and K.Y. Paek. 2009.
Production of Root Biomass and Secondary Metabolites through Adventitious Root Cultures of
Echinacea purpurea in Bioreactors.
Acta Hort . 829:73-77.
  E.J. Hahn, M.H. Chun , E.J. Lee and K.Y. Paek. 2009.
Acclimatization of Doritaenopsis hybrid orchids as affected by PPF levels. Acta Hort . 812:437-440
  Chun-Hua Wu, Yaser Hassan Dewir, Eun-Joo Hahn and Kee-Yoeup Paek.. 2007.
Optimization of the Culture Conditions for the Biomass and Phenolics production from Adventitious Roots of Echinacea angustifolia.
Acta Hort. 764. 87-193
  Dewir, Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007.
Flowering of Euphorbiamilliiplantletsinvitroasaffectedbypaclobutrazol,lightemittingdiodes(LEDs)andsucrose.
Acta Hort.. 764. 169-173
  Lee, E.J., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007.
Effects of chemical and physical environments on cell culture of Gymnemasylvestre.Acta Hort..764. 175-180
  Shohael, A.M., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007.
Somatic embryogenesis and secondary metabolite production through bioreactor culture
of Siberian ginseng (Eleuthrococcussenticosus).
Acta Hort.. 764. 181-185
  P.E. Read and Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2007.
Plant Tissue Culture: Past, Present and Prospects for the Future. Acta Hort.764. 41-48
  Kim E.K., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy and K.Y. Paek. 2005.
Comparison of systems for micropropagation of Chrysanthemum. Agricell Report ‘p. 4-5
  Nam C.W., D.L. Yoo, S.J. Kim, J.T. Suh, M.R. Cho, and K.Y. Paek. 2005.
Effect of GA3 on growth and soft rot Occurrence in Zantedeschia('Black Magic') Hort Science 40(4):1045
  39Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2005.
Increase of saponin contents via elicitor treatments in bioreactor culture of ginseng
(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer)
adventitious roots. Proc. WOCMAP Ⅲ. Vol.5 Quality. Efficacy. Safety. Processing & Trade In MAPs.
Acta Hort. 679. 145-148.
  Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2004.
Orchid industry in southkoreaandrelatedresearch.Proc.AsiaPacificOrchidConference(APOC8).pp.96-108.
  Kim E.K., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy and K.Y. Paek. 2004.
Comparison of Bioreactors for garlic micropropagation. Agricell Rep. 43(5):36.
  Kim S.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2004.
Light-emitting diodes in micropropagation of potato & chrysanthemum. Agricell Rep. pp. 11.
  Paek K.Y and E.J. Hahn. 2004.
Environmental control in bioreactors affects plant growth and development. Intl. Sym.
Environmental control and structural design for protected cultivation, Suwon,RepublicofKorea.pp.73-82.
  Sivakumar G., P. Josephine Kavithapackiarani, and K.Y. Paek. 2004.
Tamilnadu medicinal plants and siddha medicines: linking phytomolecules and
physiology to human weoo-beings.
Proc. 5th Internat'l Sym. For. Prod. Biosci., Chungbuk Nat. Univ. Cheongju, Korea.pp.40-51.
  Cui Y.Y., M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004.
Concentration of nutrient solution and growing media affect growth and flowering
of Doritaenopsis 'Tinny Tender'.
Proc. IS on Growing Media. Acta Hort. 644. pp. 77-83.
  Shin K.Y. and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Novel approaches for production and release of betalaine pigments from hairy root cultures.
Agricell Rep. 41(6):42
  Shim S.W. and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Effect of air exchanges on in vitro growth and ex vitro survival. Agricell Rep. pp. 20
  Jeong C.S. and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Relationship between bioreactor gases and secondary metabolite yields. Agricell Rep. 41(2):11
  Piao X.C. and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Simple bioreactor for producing microtubers and in vitro plants. Agricell Rep. 41(2):12
  Kim E.K., H.N. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Bioreactor production of garlic. Agricell Rep. 41(2):12
  Lian M.L., D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Automated balloon-type bubble bioreactor for lily micropropagation. Agricell Report. April:29
  Hahn E.J., K.W. Yu, C.S. Jeong, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Commercial scale production of bioactive compounds through large-scale bioreactor culture
of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. Proc.
1st Int. Cong. on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications,
  Hahn E.J., H.N. Murthy, E.K. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Proliferation of multiple shoots and microbulblets of garlic (Allium sativum L.) through bioreactor system.
Proc. 1st Int. Cong. on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications, Tampere,Finland.pp.167-174.
  Kim S.J., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Application of bioreactor culture for large scale production of chrysanthemum transplants. Proc.
ⅩⅩⅥ IHC - Biotechnology in Hort. Crop Improvement Acta Hort. 625. pp. 187-191.
  Kim Y.S., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Methyl Jasmonate increases saponin content in bioreactor culture of ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer) adventitious roots. Proc.
ⅩⅩⅥ IHC - Biotechnology in Hort. Crop Improvement Acta Hort. 625. pp. 289-292.
  Hahn E.J., J.W. Choi, J.H. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
The study on tissue cultured wild mountain ginseng(Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer)
adventitious roots extract as a cosmetic ingredient. pp. 611-616
  Yu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003.
Ginsenoside production by hairy root cultures of Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer in bioreactors.
Proc. Int. Conf. on MAP. Acta Hort. 597. pp. 237-243.
  Lian M.L., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
Effects of light generated by LEDs on micropropagation of lily bulblets. Agricell Report. 39(5):35
  Lian M.L., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
High CO2 and improve acclimatization of in vitro- propagated plants. Agricell Report. 39(5):35
  Park S.Y., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
Rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis orchids from flower stalks. pp. 43-44. Agricell Report.
  Hahn E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
Advances in tissue culture propagation of orchids. - Photoautotrophic micropropagation. pp. 24. Agricell Report.
  Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2002.
Adentitious root cultures of Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer and ginsenoside production through
large-scale bioreactor system.
The 9th symposium on plant biotechnology, ChungnamUniversity,Korea.pp.31-36.
  Boo H.O., K.S. Shin, J.W. Heo, and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
Betalain synthesis by hariy root of red beet cultured in vitro under different light quality. Proc.
4th IS on Artif. Light. Acta Hort. 580. pp. 209-214.
  Heo J.W., C. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2002.
Characteristics of growth and flowering on some bedding plants grown in mixing fluorescent tube
and light-emitting diode.
Proc. 4th IS on Artif. Light. Acta Hort. 580. pp. 77-82.
  K.Y. Paek. 2001.
Temporary-immersion Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis Orchi-ds”. Agricell Report. 37(1):2
  Wenyuan Gao, Lei Fan, Eunzhoo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup, Paek. 2001.
Active compounds production by bioreactor culture system in medicinal plants Carthamus tinctorius
and Bupleurum falcatum.
Asiamed Magazine The international Chinese MED NEWS. Vol 11. pp. 73-74
  Kim Y.S., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
A large scale production of lilium bulblets through bioreactor culture.
Proc. Ⅳ IS on In Vitro Cult. & Hort. Breeding. Acta Hort. 560:383-386.
  Yu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
Effects of NH4:NO3 ratio and ionic strength on adventitious root growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor culture
of PanaxginsengC.A.Meyer.Proc.ⅣISonInVitroCult.& Hort. Breeding. Acta Hort. 560:259-262.
  Murthy H.N., A.N. Pyati, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
Micropropagation of Aeridesmaculosum.Proc.ofAPOC7,Nagoya,Japan.
  Park S.Y., K.S. Ichihashi, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
Micropropagation of Doritaenopsis hybrids through root-tip cultures. Proc. of APOC7,
  Shin K.S., Y.Y. Cui, M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, K.S. Ichihashi, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
Environmental factors affect micropropagation and hydroponic culture of Phalaeno-psis hybrids
  Seon J.H., Y.S. Kim, S.H. Son, and K.Y. Paek. 2001.
The fed-batch culture system using bioreactor for the bulblets production of oriental lilies.
Proc. ⅩⅩⅤ IHC Part10, Acta Hort. 548:385-391.
  Hahn E.J., M.W. Jeon, and K.Y. Paek. 2000.
Culture method and growing medium affect growth and flower quality of several Gerbera cultivars.
Proc. Int Symp. on Growing Media and Hydroponics, Ida. Maloupa and Gerasopoulos, Acta Hort. 548:385-391.
  Shin K.S., E.J. Hahn, K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 1999.
Several substances reduced medium and protocorm browning in the protocorm
culture of phalaenopsis orchid in vitro. Proc. NIOC. Japan.pp.102-104.
  Son S.H., S.M. Choi, D.S. Lee, S.R. Yun, and K.Y. Paek. 1999.
Commercial application of mountain ginseng through bioreactor culture system.
Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Transplant Production in Horticultural Plants.
Chungbuk NationalUniversity,Cheong-ju,Korea.pp.9-14.
  Seon J.H., K.Y. Paek, W.Y. Gao, C.H.Park,andS.N.Sung.1999.
Proc.WOCMAP-2,agr.production,post-harvesttechniques, biotechnology,ActaHort.502:333-337.
  Seon J.H., C.H. Cui, K.Y. Paek, C.S. Yang, W.Y. Gao, C.H. Park, and S.N. Sung. 1999.
Effects of air exchange, sucrose, and PPF on growth of Rehmanniaglutinosaunderenriched
Proc.WOCMAP-2,agr.production,post-harvesttechniques, biotechnology,ActaHort.502:313-318.
  Lee S.S., C.H. Oh, J.H. Seon, and K.Y. Paek. 1998.
Cultivation of the orchid plants on the soils of Korean native orchids. Proc. NIOC '98, Nagoya,Japan.pp.106-113
  Hwang J.K., K.Y. Paek, and D.H. Cho. 1998.
Breeding of resistant pepper lines (CapsicumannuumL.)tobacterialspot(XanthomonascampestrisPv.Vesicatoria)
throughanterculture.Proc.Int.Symp.BiotechnologyTropical& Subtorpical Species, Acta Hort. 461:301-307.
  Lim J.H. K.Y. Seon, S.H. Son, and B.H. Han. 1998.
Development of pilot scale process for mass production of Liliumbulbletsinvitro.Proc.Int.Symp.
BiotechnologyTropical& Subtorpical Species, Acta Hort. 461:237-241.
  Paek K.Y. 1998.
Commercial aspects and problems in micropropagation. The 12th Symposium on Plant Biotechnology.
  Rhee W.Y., Y.H. Cho, K.Y. Paek, and J.K. Hwang. 1997.
Interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of brassica and raphanus by ovule culture and
their physilolgical and morphological characteristics. Proc. of the 8th SABRAO General Congress pp. 441-442.
  Paek K.Y., G.B. Shim, S.H. Ma, and T.J. Kim. 1997.
Effect of artificial inoculation of CyMV and ORSV in tissue cultured orchids on growth response and virus-free
cymbidium production by vidarabine in vitro.
Proc. Nagoya International Orchid Conference, 1997. NIOC Organization, Nagoya.pp.25-33.
  Lee S.S., S.S.Park,andK.Y.Paek.1996.
  Paek K.Y, N.S. Sung, and C.H.Park.1996.
  Paek K.Y., N.S. Sung, and C.H.Park.1996.
  Paek K.Y., and S.H. Ma. 1996.
In vitro propagation of Hosta using cultured shoot tips and somaclonal variability of regenerants.
Proc. Int. Symp. Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems, Acta Hort. 440:576-581.
  Paek K.Y., S.I.Park,andN.S.Sung.1995.
  Paek K.Y. 1995.
Micropropagation industry in Korea.ASIA-PacificAssociationforMcropropagatorsAPAMNewsletter.1(1):11-14
  Paek K.Y. and K. Toyoki. 1998.
  Kim T.J., K.Y. Paek, and J.T. Cho. 1995.
Effect of chilling treatment and fertilization on growth and flowering of CypripediummacranthumSWnativetoKorea.
  Paek K.Y. and J.K. Choi. 1995.
Orchid industries in Korea.Proc.5thAsiaPacificOrchidConference,Fukuoka,pp.183-191
  Paek K.Y., J.K. Hwang, and B.H. Han. 1993.
Perspective and handicaps for commercial application of micropropagation in Korea.In:Advancesindevelopmentalbiologyandbiotechnologyofhigherplants.
  Paek K.Y., K.J. Yu., M.R.Park,andS.Hisajima.1993.
  Paek K.Y. and J.K. Hwang. 1993.
In vitro growth control of horticultural plants by manipulating water potential of medium with sucrose,
mannitol and agar.
In : Adapted Propagation Techniques for Commercial Crops.
  Paek K.Y., G.B. Shim, C.H. Lee, J.J. Kim, and K.W. Kang. 1991.
Micropropagation and in vitro breeding of temperate Cymbidium.Proc.13thWorldOrchidConference,Auckland,NewZealand.pp.231-237.
  Han B.H., K.Y Paek, J.K. Hwang. 1990.
Morphological characteristics and isoenzyme polymorphism of vitreous and glaucous plantlet.
Proc. Mol. Bio. & Genet. 5:465-468.
  Paek K.Y. and B.H. Han. 1989.
Physiological studies of vitrification of Gypsophilapaniculataregeneratedinvitroandmethodsforinhibitionofvitrifiedshoots.Proc.Mol.Bio.&Genet.4:453-456.
  Paek K.Y., J.K. Hwang, S.K. Jong, and S.I.Park.1988.
  Paek K.Y. 1982.
Studies on the clonal propagation by the culture of bulb scale segment, inflorescence stems and flower-buds in Hyacinth.
Proc. 5th Intl. Cong. Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. Maruzen, Tokyo.pp.713-714.