S.Y. Park and K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Micropropagation system via somatic embryogenesis of Doritaenopsis and its epigenetic stability. Proc. of 9thAsiaPacificOrchidConference.P.484-491 |
E.J. Hahn, S.Y.Park,K.Y.Paek.2009. |
PLBinductionofDoritaenopsishybridorchidasaffectedbythicksegmentandthinsectionculturesofleaves. Proc. of 9thAsiaPacificOrchidConference.P.463-470 |
E.J. Hahn, C.H. Wu, and K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Production of Root Biomass and Secondary Metabolites through Adventitious Root Cultures of Echinacea purpurea in Bioreactors. Acta Hort . 829:73-77. |
E.J. Hahn, M.H. Chun , E.J. Lee and K.Y. Paek. 2009. |
Acclimatization of Doritaenopsis hybrid orchids as affected by PPF levels. Acta Hort . 812:437-440 |
Chun-Hua Wu, Yaser Hassan Dewir, Eun-Joo Hahn and Kee-Yoeup Paek.. 2007. |
Optimization of the Culture Conditions for the Biomass and Phenolics production from Adventitious Roots of Echinacea angustifolia. Acta Hort. 764. 87-193 |
Dewir, Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Flowering of Euphorbiamilliiplantletsinvitroasaffectedbypaclobutrazol,lightemittingdiodes(LEDs)andsucrose. Acta Hort.. 764. 169-173 |
Lee, E.J., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Effects of chemical and physical environments on cell culture of Gymnemasylvestre.Acta Hort..764. 175-180 |
Shohael, A.M., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Somatic embryogenesis and secondary metabolite production through bioreactor culture of Siberian ginseng (Eleuthrococcussenticosus). Acta Hort.. 764. 181-185 |
P.E. Read and Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2007. |
Plant Tissue Culture: Past, Present and Prospects for the Future. Acta Hort.764. 41-48 |
Kim E.K., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Comparison of systems for micropropagation of Chrysanthemum. Agricell Report ‘p. 4-5 |
Nam C.W., D.L. Yoo, S.J. Kim, J.T. Suh, M.R. Cho, and K.Y. Paek. 2005. |
Effect of GA3 on growth and soft rot Occurrence in Zantedeschia('Black Magic') Hort Science 40(4):1045 |
39Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2005. |
Increase of saponin contents via elicitor treatments in bioreactor culture of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) adventitious roots. Proc. WOCMAP Ⅲ. Vol.5 Quality. Efficacy. Safety. Processing & Trade In MAPs. Acta Hort. 679. 145-148. |
Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2004. |
Orchid industry in southkoreaandrelatedresearch.Proc.AsiaPacificOrchidConference(APOC8).pp.96-108. |
Kim E.K., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Comparison of Bioreactors for garlic micropropagation. Agricell Rep. 43(5):36. |
Kim S.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Light-emitting diodes in micropropagation of potato & chrysanthemum. Agricell Rep. pp. 11. |
Paek K.Y and E.J. Hahn. 2004. |
Environmental control in bioreactors affects plant growth and development. Intl. Sym. Environmental control and structural design for protected cultivation, Suwon,RepublicofKorea.pp.73-82. |
Sivakumar G., P. Josephine Kavithapackiarani, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Tamilnadu medicinal plants and siddha medicines: linking phytomolecules and physiology to human weoo-beings. Proc. 5th Internat'l Sym. For. Prod. Biosci., Chungbuk Nat. Univ. Cheongju, Korea.pp.40-51. |
Cui Y.Y., M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Concentration of nutrient solution and growing media affect growth and flowering of Doritaenopsis 'Tinny Tender'. Proc. IS on Growing Media. Acta Hort. 644. pp. 77-83. |
Shin K.Y. and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Novel approaches for production and release of betalaine pigments from hairy root cultures. Agricell Rep. 41(6):42 |
Shim S.W. and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Effect of air exchanges on in vitro growth and ex vitro survival. Agricell Rep. pp. 20 |
Jeong C.S. and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Relationship between bioreactor gases and secondary metabolite yields. Agricell Rep. 41(2):11 |
Piao X.C. and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Simple bioreactor for producing microtubers and in vitro plants. Agricell Rep. 41(2):12 |
Kim E.K., H.N. Hahn and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Bioreactor production of garlic. Agricell Rep. 41(2):12 |
Lian M.L., D. Chakrabarty, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Automated balloon-type bubble bioreactor for lily micropropagation. Agricell Report. April:29 |
Hahn E.J., K.W. Yu, C.S. Jeong, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Commercial scale production of bioactive compounds through large-scale bioreactor culture of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. Proc. 1st Int. Cong. on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications, Tampere,Finland.pp.30-40. |
Hahn E.J., H.N. Murthy, E.K. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Proliferation of multiple shoots and microbulblets of garlic (Allium sativum L.) through bioreactor system. Proc. 1st Int. Cong. on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications, Tampere,Finland.pp.167-174. |
Kim S.J., E.J. Hahn, H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Application of bioreactor culture for large scale production of chrysanthemum transplants. Proc. ⅩⅩⅥ IHC - Biotechnology in Hort. Crop Improvement Acta Hort. 625. pp. 187-191. |
Kim Y.S., D. Chakrabarty, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Methyl Jasmonate increases saponin content in bioreactor culture of ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer) adventitious roots. Proc. ⅩⅩⅥ IHC - Biotechnology in Hort. Crop Improvement Acta Hort. 625. pp. 289-292. |
Hahn E.J., J.W. Choi, J.H. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
The study on tissue cultured wild mountain ginseng(Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer) adventitious roots extract as a cosmetic ingredient. pp. 611-616 |
Yu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Ginsenoside production by hairy root cultures of Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer in bioreactors. Proc. Int. Conf. on MAP. Acta Hort. 597. pp. 237-243. |
Lian M.L., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Effects of light generated by LEDs on micropropagation of lily bulblets. Agricell Report. 39(5):35 |
Lian M.L., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
High CO2 and improve acclimatization of in vitro- propagated plants. Agricell Report. 39(5):35 |
Park S.Y., H.N. Murthy, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis orchids from flower stalks. pp. 43-44. Agricell Report. |
Hahn E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Advances in tissue culture propagation of orchids. - Photoautotrophic micropropagation. pp. 24. Agricell Report. |
Paek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2002. |
Adentitious root cultures of Panax ginseng C.V. Meyer and ginsenoside production through large-scale bioreactor system. The 9th symposium on plant biotechnology, ChungnamUniversity,Korea.pp.31-36. |
Boo H.O., K.S. Shin, J.W. Heo, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Betalain synthesis by hariy root of red beet cultured in vitro under different light quality. Proc. 4th IS on Artif. Light. Acta Hort. 580. pp. 209-214. |
Heo J.W., C. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Characteristics of growth and flowering on some bedding plants grown in mixing fluorescent tube and light-emitting diode. Proc. 4th IS on Artif. Light. Acta Hort. 580. pp. 77-82. |
K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Temporary-immersion Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis Orchi-ds”. Agricell Report. 37(1):2 |
Wenyuan Gao, Lei Fan, Eunzhoo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup, Paek. 2001. |
Active compounds production by bioreactor culture system in medicinal plants Carthamus tinctorius and Bupleurum falcatum. Asiamed Magazine The international Chinese MED NEWS. Vol 11. pp. 73-74 |
Kim Y.S., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
A large scale production of lilium bulblets through bioreactor culture. Proc. Ⅳ IS on In Vitro Cult. & Hort. Breeding. Acta Hort. 560:383-386. |
Yu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Effects of NH4:NO3 ratio and ionic strength on adventitious root growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor culture of PanaxginsengC.A.Meyer.Proc.ⅣISonInVitroCult.& Hort. Breeding. Acta Hort. 560:259-262. |
Murthy H.N., A.N. Pyati, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Micropropagation of Aeridesmaculosum.Proc.ofAPOC7,Nagoya,Japan. |
Park S.Y., K.S. Ichihashi, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Micropropagation of Doritaenopsis hybrids through root-tip cultures. Proc. of APOC7, Nagoya,Japan.pp.200-201. |
Shin K.S., Y.Y. Cui, M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, K.S. Ichihashi, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Environmental factors affect micropropagation and hydroponic culture of Phalaeno-psis hybrids .Proc.ofAPOC7,Nagoya,Japan.pp.162-164. |
Seon J.H., Y.S. Kim, S.H. Son, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
The fed-batch culture system using bioreactor for the bulblets production of oriental lilies. Proc. ⅩⅩⅤ IHC Part10, Acta Hort. 548:385-391. |
Hahn E.J., M.W. Jeon, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Culture method and growing medium affect growth and flower quality of several Gerbera cultivars. Proc. Int Symp. on Growing Media and Hydroponics, Ida. Maloupa and Gerasopoulos, Acta Hort. 548:385-391. |
Shin K.S., E.J. Hahn, K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Several substances reduced medium and protocorm browning in the protocorm culture of phalaenopsis orchid in vitro. Proc. NIOC. Japan.pp.102-104. |
Son S.H., S.M. Choi, D.S. Lee, S.R. Yun, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Commercial application of mountain ginseng through bioreactor culture system. Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Transplant Production in Horticultural Plants. Chungbuk NationalUniversity,Cheong-ju,Korea.pp.9-14. |
Seon J.H., K.Y. Paek, W.Y. Gao, C.H.Park,andS.N.Sung.1999. |
Factorsaffectingmicropropagatioofpathogen-freestocksinFritillariathunbergii. Proc.WOCMAP-2,agr.production,post-harvesttechniques, biotechnology,ActaHort.502:333-337. |
Seon J.H., C.H. Cui, K.Y. Paek, C.S. Yang, W.Y. Gao, C.H. Park, and S.N. Sung. 1999. |
Effects of air exchange, sucrose, and PPF on growth of Rehmanniaglutinosaunderenriched CO2concentrationinvitro. Proc.WOCMAP-2,agr.production,post-harvesttechniques, biotechnology,ActaHort.502:313-318. |
Lee S.S., C.H. Oh, J.H. Seon, and K.Y. Paek. 1998. |
Cultivation of the orchid plants on the soils of Korean native orchids. Proc. NIOC '98, Nagoya,Japan.pp.106-113 |
Hwang J.K., K.Y. Paek, and D.H. Cho. 1998. |
Breeding of resistant pepper lines (CapsicumannuumL.)tobacterialspot(XanthomonascampestrisPv.Vesicatoria) throughanterculture.Proc.Int.Symp.BiotechnologyTropical& Subtorpical Species, Acta Hort. 461:301-307. |
Lim J.H. K.Y. Seon, S.H. Son, and B.H. Han. 1998. |
Development of pilot scale process for mass production of Liliumbulbletsinvitro.Proc.Int.Symp. BiotechnologyTropical& Subtorpical Species, Acta Hort. 461:237-241. |
Paek K.Y. 1998. |
Commercial aspects and problems in micropropagation. The 12th Symposium on Plant Biotechnology. KoreaandJapanjointconference.12:38-52. |
Rhee W.Y., Y.H. Cho, K.Y. Paek, and J.K. Hwang. 1997. |
Interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of brassica and raphanus by ovule culture and their physilolgical and morphological characteristics. Proc. of the 8th SABRAO General Congress pp. 441-442. |
Paek K.Y., G.B. Shim, S.H. Ma, and T.J. Kim. 1997. |
Effect of artificial inoculation of CyMV and ORSV in tissue cultured orchids on growth response and virus-free cymbidium production by vidarabine in vitro. Proc. Nagoya International Orchid Conference, 1997. NIOC Organization, Nagoya.pp.25-33. |
Lee S.S., S.S.Park,andK.Y.Paek.1996. |
ThefungalisolateofRhizoctoniaappliedtofivedifferentcommercialorchidplants. Proc.15thWorldOrchidConference,RiodeJaneiro.Brazil.pp.368-375. |
Paek K.Y, N.S. Sung, and C.H.Park.1996. |
Micropropagationofmedicinalplantsbytissueculture.InPlantbiotechnology forsustainabledevelopmentofagriculture(Xu,Z.H.andChen,Z.H.,eds.).Proc.2ndAsia-PacificConf.PlantCellandTissueCulture.Beijing,China.pp.40-50. |
Paek K.Y., N.S. Sung, and C.H.Park.1996. |
Severalfactorsaffectingbulbletregenerationfromthecultureofscalesegmentandnode-budinfritillaryasmedicinalbulbousplant. Proc.Int.Symp.PlantProductioninClosedEcosystems,ActaHort.440:498-503. |
Paek K.Y., and S.H. Ma. 1996. |
In vitro propagation of Hosta using cultured shoot tips and somaclonal variability of regenerants. Proc. Int. Symp. Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems, Acta Hort. 440:576-581. |
Paek K.Y., S.I.Park,andN.S.Sung.1995. |
MicropropagationofRehmanniaglutinosaasmedicinalplantbyshoottipandrootsegmentculture. Proc.Int.Symp.onMedicinalandAromaticPlants,ActaHort.390:113-119 |
Paek K.Y. 1995. |
Micropropagation industry in Korea.ASIA-PacificAssociationforMcropropagatorsAPAMNewsletter.1(1):11-14 |
Paek K.Y. and K. Toyoki. 1998. |
FieldperformancetestofmicropropagatedRehmanniaglutinosaandvirusdetection. Proc.Int.Symp.onMedicinalandAromaticPlants,ActaHort.390:121-126. |
Kim T.J., K.Y. Paek, and J.T. Cho. 1995. |
Effect of chilling treatment and fertilization on growth and flowering of CypripediummacranthumSWnativetoKorea. Proc.5thAsiaPacificOrchidConference,Fukuoka,pp.247-257 |
Paek K.Y. and J.K. Choi. 1995. |
Orchid industries in Korea.Proc.5thAsiaPacificOrchidConference,Fukuoka,pp.183-191 |
Paek K.Y., J.K. Hwang, and B.H. Han. 1993. |
Perspective and handicaps for commercial application of micropropagation in Korea.In:Advancesindevelopmentalbiologyandbiotechnologyofhigherplants. (W.Y.Soh.,J.R.Liu.andA.Komamine,eds.).Proc.Asia-PacificConf.PlantCellandTissueCulture.pp.38-70. |
Paek K.Y., K.J. Yu., M.R.Park,andS.Hisajima.1993. |
Effectofsucrosegradientandchangesoffreesugarcontentduringorganogenesisthroughrhizome cultureoftemperateCymidium. Proc.InternationalOrchidConference.1993,NIOCOrganization.Nagoya.pp.55-63. |
Paek K.Y. and J.K. Hwang. 1993. |
In vitro growth control of horticultural plants by manipulating water potential of medium with sucrose, mannitol and agar. In : Adapted Propagation Techniques for Commercial Crops. Vietnam.InternationalFoundationforScience.pp.126-136. |
Paek K.Y., G.B. Shim, C.H. Lee, J.J. Kim, and K.W. Kang. 1991. |
Micropropagation and in vitro breeding of temperate Cymbidium.Proc.13thWorldOrchidConference,Auckland,NewZealand.pp.231-237. |
Han B.H., K.Y Paek, J.K. Hwang. 1990. |
Morphological characteristics and isoenzyme polymorphism of vitreous and glaucous plantlet. Proc. Mol. Bio. & Genet. 5:465-468. |
Paek K.Y. and B.H. Han. 1989. |
Physiological studies of vitrification of Gypsophilapaniculataregeneratedinvitroandmethodsforinhibitionofvitrifiedshoots.Proc.Mol.Bio.&Genet.4:453-456. |
Paek K.Y., J.K. Hwang, S.K. Jong, and S.I.Park.1988. |
SomatichybridizationbyprotoplastfusioninHibiscussyriacusandH.rosa-sinensis. Proc.3rd.Conf,.MolecularBiologyandGeneticEngineering,Seoul,3(2):179-184. |
Paek K.Y. 1982. |
Studies on the clonal propagation by the culture of bulb scale segment, inflorescence stems and flower-buds in Hyacinth. Proc. 5th Intl. Cong. Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. Maruzen, Tokyo.pp.713-714. |