Date | Content |
ㆍ2011. 09. 6-10 | Invited by Myagri Co, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
ㆍ2011. 07. 25-28 | Invited speaker by Dalian Agricultural Research Institute and Dalian Polytechnic University, China |
ㆍ2011. 06.13-14 | Invited by Agricultural Co, Harbin. China |
ㆍ2011. 05.10-15 | Asian Congress on Biotechnology, Shanghai, China. Global Committee Member, Chairperson, Invited Speaker. |
ㆍ2011. 02.20-23 | Invited Mongolian Agricultural Co, Ulan Bator, Mongolia |
ㆍ2010. 09.15-17 | The 2nd China, Japan and Korea International Conference for TCM & 7th Sino-Russia Biomedical Forum, China, Harbin Invited Special Lecture |
ㆍ2010. 09.05-10 | China International Orchid Symposium 2010, China,Taian Invited Speaker |
ㆍ2010. 03.19-22 | Invited as delegate of Korea in 10th Asia-Pacific Orchid Conference in Chungquing, China |
ㆍ2010. 01.11-15 | Invited speaker and scientific committee member in 1st international sym. of orchid, Taichung, Taiwan |
ㆍ2009.08.27-31 | Invited speaker in Asia-Korean Conference on advanced science and technology. Yanji, China |
ㆍ2008.08.23-31 | Invited as International Advisory Committee Member and speaker of 6th Intl sym on in vitro culture and horticultural Brisbane, Australia breeding. |
ㆍ2008.09.08-12 | Invited as keynote speaker of 6th International Conf on the biology of plant cells in vitro and biotechnology. Zvenigord, Russia |
ㆍ2008.02.22025 | Invited as Technical Advisory Committee Member on 18th orchid exhibition, Onju, China |
ㆍ2007.0909-15 | Participated as speaker, 3rd International sym on acclimatization and establishment of micropropagated plants. Faro, Portugal |
ㆍ2007.02. 1-5 | Invited Judge and speaker in Okinawa International Orchid Show, Japan 64. 2007.06.17-21 Invited lecture in Asia-Pacific conference of plant biotechnology in Malaysia |
ㆍ2007.1 14-19 | Special lecture by invitation of Najing Forestry University, China |
ㆍ2006.12.14-12.17 | Invited Judge, Singapore Orchid Show, Singapore |
ㆍ2006.11.27-12.01 | Workshop Organizer and Invited speaker, National training course on-Cell culture using bioreactor technology. Malaysian Ins. For Nuclear Technology Res. Selangor, Malaysia |
ㆍ2006.11.06-11.11 | Invited speaker, Phytomolecule production from useful medicinal plants using commercial scale bioreactor. Tehran, IranBiotechnology Exchange Forum by Pardis Technology Park |
ㆍ2006.08.13-08.19 | Convenor of Biotechnology Session. Plant tissue culture: Past, present and prospect for the future. 27th International Horticultural Congress and Exhibition. Seoul, Korea |
ㆍ2006.05.02-05.04 | Special lecture in BioPlanta Co. Leipzig, Germany |
ㆍ2006.04.07-04.07 | Special lecture in College of Natural Science, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia |
ㆍ2006.01.08-01.10 | Invited speaker. Secondary metabolite production by bioreactor technology. International Symposium on Frontiers n Genetics and Biotechnology. Osmania University, India |
ㆍ2006.01.05-01.07 | Invited speaker. Application of bioreactor technology for the horticultural plants. 93th Indian Science Congress. Hydrabad, India. |
ㆍ2005.12.16-12.19 | Invited speaker. Micropropagation of horticultural plants through plant trissue culture. 5th Agricultural Science Symposium between South and North Korea, Gyesung, North Korea |
ㆍ2005.09.03-09.07 | Official visit to Hawaiian Orchid Association for 9th APOC. Hawaii, USA |
ㆍ2005.08.10-08.14 | Official invitation as guest professor by Zhezang Forestry Univ. |
ㆍ2004.09.12-09.19 | Invited speaker and chairperson. Bioreactor system for large scale plant cultures and secondary metabolite production. In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding: Biotechnology as Theory and Practice in Horticulture. Durban, Hungary |
ㆍ2004.03.05-03.10 | Invited speaker, chairperson. Orchid industry in Korea and related research. 8th Asia-Pacific Orchid Conference. Tainan, Taiwan |
ㆍ2004.02.19-02.15 | Scientific tour for understanding of horticultural industry in China |
ㆍ2003.12.14-12.20 | Invited speaker, chairperson. Adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseong in bioreactors for commercial scale production of bioactive compound. International Symposium on Bioreactor and Biomolecular Engineering. Shanghai, China |
ㆍ2003.12.03-12.09 | Invited. Advisor for advanced horticultural technology in Java. Java, Indonesia |
ㆍ2003.10.22-10.26 | Invited speaker. Secondary metabolite production using bioreactor technology 45th Anniversary of Foundation of Zhezang Forestry Univesity, Zhezang, China |
ㆍ2003.07.13-07.23 | Invited speaker. Commercial scale production of bioactive compounds through large-scale bioreactor culture of medicinal plants. 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Application. Tempere, Filand |
ㆍ2003.03.10-03.12 | Korean Representative. 2003 International Taiwan Orchid Exhibition. Tainan, Taiwan |
ㆍ2003.02.03-02.07 | Increase of saponin content via elicitor treatment in bioreactor culture of Panax ginseong adventitious root. The 3th World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare. Chiang Mai, Thailand |
ㆍ2002.12.13-12.21 | Invited speaker. Production of virus-free potato plantlets using bioreactor system. Pyungyang, North Korea |
ㆍ2002.08.11-08.22 | Application of bioreactor culture for large scale production of chrysanthemum. 26th International Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada |
ㆍ2002.06.22-06.28 | Commercial production of Panax ginseong using bioreactor system 10th International Congress for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. Florida, USA |
ㆍ2002.05.29-06.02 | Keynote speaker, International Organizing Committee, Chairperson Application of bioreactor system for large scale production of horticultural and medicinal plants. International Symposium for Mass production of Plaant in Liquid System. Agricultural Univ. of Norway, Norway |
ㆍ2002.04.24-05.02 | Representative for hosting 9th APOC. 17th World Orchid Conference, Shah Alam, Malaysia |
ㆍ2001.10.26-10.31 | Invited speaker. Jasmonic acid improves ginsenoside accumulation in adventitious root culture of Panax ginseong. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology in the 21th Century. Shanghai, China |
ㆍ2001.08 | International Advisory Committee. International Sago Symposium 2001. Borneo |
ㆍ2001.07.26-08.04 | Invited speaker. Present situation of horticultural industry in Korea and development of exchange program with China. 4th Conference Organized by Institute of Agricultural Development in East and North Asia. Yenben, China |
ㆍ2001.07.08-07.11 | Ginsenoside production by hairy root cultures of Panax ginseong in bioreactor. Possibilities and Limitations of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Towards the 21st Century. Budapest, Hungary |
ㆍ2001.03.14-03.18 | Invited speaker, chairperson. Cultivation of Phalaenopsis by hydroponic techniques. 7th Asia-Pacific Orchid Conference. Nagoya, Japan |
ㆍ2000.08.05-08.15 | Calgary University, Canada |
ㆍ2000.07.02-07.07 | Effect of NO3:NH4ratioandionicstrengthonadventitiousrootgrowthandginsenosideproduction inbioreactorculture of Panaxginseong. The4thInternationalSymposiumonInVitroCultureandHorticulturalBreeding.Tampere,Filand |
ㆍ2000.02.22-03.02 | Invited speaker, Organizing Committee. Micropropagation of ornamental plants using bioreactor system. International Symposium on Transplant Production in Closed System for Solving the Global Issues on Environmental Conservation. Chiba University, Japan |
ㆍ1999.08.30-09.08 | Blue and red emitting diodes affect growth of Rehmania glutinosa plantlets at different sucrose concentration and number of air exchange. Methods and Marker for Quality Assurance in Micropropagation. Cork, Ireland. |
ㆍ1999.08.23-08.29 | Growing media affect growth and flower quality of Gerbera International Symposium on Growing Media and Hydroponics Culture Methods. Termi, Greece |
ㆍ1999.04.25-05.02 | 15th International Orchid Conference, Vancouver, Canada |
ㆍ1999.03.10-03.17 | Nagoya and Kyoto University and Research institute, Japan |
ㆍ1999.01.29-02.06 | Invited by Dalat University in Vietnam |
ㆍ1998.08.02-08.07 | A noble fedculture system using bioreactor for the bulblets production of oriental lilies. 25th International Horticultural Congress. Brussel, Belgium |
ㆍ1998.03.03-03.07 | Invited speaker. Cultivation of Korean native orchid. Nagoya International Orchid Conference. Nagoya, Japan. |
ㆍ1997.11.07-11.18 | Effect of antiviral chemicals aand cultural environment on survival rate and shoot multiplication through shoot tip culture Rehmania glutinosa. 2nd World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare. Mendosa, Argentina |
ㆍ1997.09.27-10.04 | Development of pilot scale process for mass production of lily bulblet in vitro. International Symposium on Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species. Brisbane, Australia |
ㆍ1997.09.24-09.28 | Interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of brassica and raphanus by ovule culture and their physiological and morphological characteristics International Conference on Harmonizing Agricultural Productivity and Conservation of Biodiversity. Seoul, Korea |
ㆍ1997.03.02-03.08 | Invited speaker and chairperson, Effect of artificial infection of CyMV and ORSV on the growth of orchid. ’97 Nagoya International Orchid Conference, Nagoya, Japan |
ㆍ1997.02.01-02.08 | HIH Research Institute and Chiba University, Japan |
ㆍ1996.09.14-09.23 | Isolation of mycorrhiza and its effect on the growth of orchid. 15th International Orchid Conference, Rio Dejaneiro, Brazil |
ㆍ1996.08-09.03 | Invited speaker, chairperson, Mass production and selection of somaclonal variants in Hosta. Iernational Symposium for the Transplant Production in Closed Ecosystem, Naarita, Japan |
ㆍ1996.07.27-08.05 | Invited speaker, Micropropagation of medicinal plants. 2nd Asia-Pacific Plant Tissue Conference, Peking, Gangzou, China |
ㆍ1996.05.21-05.26 | Invited, Misuii Co. Research Institute, Japan |
ㆍ1995.11.26-12.02 | Invited speaker, International organizing committee, International Conference of Plant Production in Closed Environment. Chiba, Japan |
ㆍ1995.03.10-03.18 | Invited speaker, chairperson, Korea orchid industry. 5th Asia-Pacific Orchid Conference, Fukuoka, Japan |
ㆍ1994.08.21-08.28 | Micropropagation and selection of somaclonal variation in Lisianthus. 24th International Congress of Horticultural Science. Kyoto, Japan |
ㆍ1994.06.11-06.19 | Sucrose metabolism during rhizome culture in oriental cymbidium. 8th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture, Firenze, Italy |
ㆍ1994.01 | International Organizing Committee, 5th International Sago Symposium, Thailand |
ㆍ1993.03.09-03.15 | Effect of sucrose gradient and change of free sucrose content on organogenesis of rhizome in oriental cybidium. Nagoya International Orchid Conference, Nagoya, Japan |
ㆍ1993.02.07-02.18 | Invited speaker, Effect of medium water potential on the growth response of horticultural plants in vitro Workshop for rapid propagation of tropical economic plants. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam |
ㆍ1990.09.05-09.17 | In vitro breeding and micropropagation of oriental orchid 13th World Orchid Conference, Aukland, New Zealand |
ㆍ1987.11.28-12.05 | Organogenesis from rhizome culture in oriental Cymbidium SABRAO, workshop for gene manipulation for plant breeding Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
ㆍ1986.08.02-08.10 | Selection of salt tolerant cell line in Brassica campestris 6th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture. Minnesota, USA |
ㆍ1981.10.24-11.10 | Scale and inflorescence segment culture in Hyacinth 5th International Congress of Plant Tissue Culture. Tokyo, Japan |