Paek KY 2024.
Celluar Agriculture: Opportunity and Challenges Focused on Plants. The 4th CBTP-KNUT Joint International Sym on Natural Products Research for Metabolic Manipulation, Rerverse Aging, and Celluar Agriculture
ㆍZhong JJ and KY Paek. 2018. |
Engineering stragies for enhancing ginsenosides production fron cell and organ cultures of Panax ginseong. The12th Intl Sym on Ginseong, 2018.p. 126-127. |
ㆍPark, SY and KY Paek. 2018. |
Advances in clonal propagation and functiional metabolites production using bioreactor system in Orchidacea. The 3rd International Orchid Sym 2018 .Abstract. p.9. |
ㆍHuh YS, JK Lee, KY Paek, SY Park. 2018. |
In vitro proliferation of Cypripedium macranthos Sw. through asymbiotic seed culture. The 3rd International Orchid Sym 2018 .Abstract. p. 16. |
ㆍHo TT, YJ Yoon, KY Paek, SY Park. 2018. |
Flower size and development as affecteed by endoreduplicatiion level in Phaqlaenopsis. The 3rd International Orchid Sym 2018 .Abstract. p. 59. |
ㆍKwon AR, MM Oh, M, KY Paek, SY Park. 2018. |
The effect of light quality on growth and endopolyploid occurrence in in vitro grown Phalaenopsis Spring Dancer. The 3rd International Orchid Sym 2018 .p 78. |
ㆍSY. Park and KY Paek. 2014. |
Plant tissue culture technology: bioreactors for industrial production. The 3rd Chanbai Mountain Forum.p36. |
ㆍKY Paek. 2014. |
Plant tissue culture technology: bioreactors for industrial production . Biotechnology in Johor, Malaysia.p76. |
ㆍXH. Cui, SY. Park, HN. MUrthy, KY.Paek. 2014. |
Scale up production of bioactive comppounds from adventitious roots of Hypericum perforatum in an airlift bioreactor. International Conference of Life Science and Biological Engineering, Japan.p 1938. |
ㆍJA. Park, SY. Park, BJ. Park, AH. Kim, KY. Paek. 2014. |
Production of biomass and bioactive compounds from shootn and adventitious roots culture of Vitis flexosa. International Conference of Life Science and Biological Engineering, Japan.p 1948. |
ㆍKJ. Lee, JY. Kim, TK. Jeong, KY. Paek, SY. Park. 2014. |
Establishment of Polygonum multiflorum adventitious roots for the production of biomass and antioxidant compounds using ballon type air lift bioreactor system. International Conference of Life Science and Biological Engineering, Japan.p 1945. |
ㆍHR. Juan, BJ, Park, KY. Paek, SY. Park. 2014. |
Selection of superior embryogenic clones of Rosa rugosa for the accumulation of secondary metabolites. International Conference of Life Science and Biological Engineering, Japan.p1946. |
ㆍHJ. Lee, EJ. Lee, HN. Murthy, KY.Paek. 2014. |
Induction of adventitious roots of Pulsatilla koreana Nakai for the production of biomass and bioactive compounds. International Conference of Life Science and Biological Engineering, Japan.p 1957. |
ㆍPaek, KY, SY, Park, YY, Cui, EJ, Lee. 2013. |
Environmental conditions affecting acclimatization and growth of a clonall propagated Doritaenopsis hybrid in an ebb & flood system. The 11th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference in Okinawa.p. 45. |
ㆍPaek, K.Y.. 2013. |
Advanced micropropagation system for plantlet production of ornamental plants. The Xth International Conference "Biology of Plant Cells in vitro and Biotechnology", Russia, Kazan.5. |
ㆍ Popova E.V., Kim H.H.,Paek K.Y., Kim D.H.. 2013. |
Recent advances in cryopreservationof plant genetic resoources:from trial-and-eoor tactics to systematic approach. The Xth International Conference "Biology of Plant Cells in vitro and Biotechnology", Russia, Kazan.10. |
ㆍPaek, K.Y., Lee, E.J., Baque, M.A. and Zhong, J.J.. 2011. |
Production of biomass and useful compounds from medicinal plants usinf bioreactor. Asian Congress on Biotechnology, Shanghai, China.p. 75. |
ㆍK.Y. Paek, M.A. Baque, R.Z.Wu. 2010. |
Establishment of Large-scale Micropropagation System of Anoectochilus formosanus in Bioreactors. 1st International Orchid Symposium.32. |
ㆍPaek, Kee Yoeup,. 2010. |
Orchid production and market in Korea. China International Orchid Symposium 2010, Tai An Cultural Hall, China.p. 28. |
ㆍPaek, Kee Yoeup and Lee, Eun Jung. 2010. |
Production of biomass and useful compound using biofactory from high-value added medicinal plants. The second China, Japan, Korea International Conference for TCM and the 7th Sino-Russia Biomedical Forum, Harbin, China.p. 10. |
ㆍEun-Joo Hahn, Chun-Hua Wu, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Production of biomass and bioactive compounds from adventitious roots of Echinacea purpurea cultured in bioreactors. 6th international symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.34. |
ㆍJin-A Jeong, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Histological observation of developmental somatic embryos of Elutherococcus sessiliflorus . 6th international symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.101. |
ㆍEun-Jung Lee, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Effect of aeration volume on the accumulation of biomass and secondary metabolites in the bioreactor culture of Eleutherococcus koreanum adventitious roots. 6th international symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.112. |
ㆍSuk Young Ou, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Commercial scale production of ginsenosides through bioreactor cultures of Panax ginseng adventitious roots. 6th international symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.126. |
ㆍChun Hua Wu, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek. 2008. |
Extraction of bioactive compounds from the adventitious root of Echinacea purpurea as affected by extraction solvents and extraction temperatures. 6th international symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.149. |
ㆍPaek, kee Yoeup, Hahn, Eun Joo and Lee, Eun Jung. 2008. |
Bioreactor system for plant cultures and secondary metabvolite. IX International Conference" The Biology of Plant Cells in vitro and Biotechnology, Zvenigorod, Russia.pp.0. |
ㆍPopova E.V., Hahn, E.J, and Paek, K.Y.. 2008. |
Cryopreservation of mountain ginseong roots by two different methods. IX International Conference" The Biology of Plant Cells in vitro and Biotechnology, Zvenigorod, Russia.p.315. |
ㆍHahn, E.J., S.Y. Park, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
PLB cultures of Doritaenopsis (Doritis x Phalaenopsis) orchids and somaclonal variations.. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and AgriBiotechnology.112. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn.. 2007. |
Growth and Physiology of Anoectochillus formosanu Hayata in vitro and ex vitro. . 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and AgriBiotechnology..111. |
ㆍHahn, E.J., S.Y. Park, M.W. Jeon, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Growth and physiology of Doritaenopsis hybrid orchids during micropropagation and acclimatization.. 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference..10. |
ㆍWu, C.H., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Biomass accumulation and bioactive compound production from adventitious root cultures of Echinacea purpurea in bioreactors. . 6th Osong International Bio-Symposium on Emerging Plant Biotechnology trends and Industrial Implications..128.. |
ㆍSaief, S.A., E.J. Lee, R.K. Tewari, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Biomass and secondary metabolite accumulation in Morinda citrifolia cells as affected by aeration in bioreactors. . 6th Osong International Bio-Symposium on Emerging Plant Biotechnology trends and Industrial Implications..128. |
ㆍLee, E.J., R.K. Tewari, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Adventitious root and secondary metabolite production of 섬오가피 as affected by plant growth regulators. . 6th Osong International Bio-Symposium on Emerging Plant Biotechnology trends and Industrial Implications..130. |
ㆍHahn, E.J., K.M. Shim, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Bioreactor system for large scale plant cultures and secondary metabolite production.. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and AgriBiotechnology.81. |
ㆍHahn, E.J., S.Y. Park, M.W. Jeon, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Physiological characteristics of Doritaenopsis hybrid orchids during micropropagation and acclimatization.. 3rd Intl. Symposium on Acclimatization and establishment of micropropagated plants.31. |
ㆍYoon, Y.J., E.J. Hahn, M. Mobin, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Effect of different PPFs on diurnal changes of net CO2 uptake, stomatal characteristics and growth of in vitro and ex vitro Phalaenopsis plantlets. . 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference..7. |
ㆍYoon, Y.J., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Photosynthetic rates, stomatal characteristics, water potential and growth of in vitro and ex vitro Phalaenopsis plantlets as affected by sucrose concentration in the medium. . 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference..8. |
ㆍJeon, M.W., J.A. Jeong, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Effect of relative humidity and air temperature on Doritaenopsis hybrids during ex vitro acclimatization. . 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference.9. |
ㆍJeon, M.W., C.H. Wu, E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Acclimatization of micropropagated Doritaenopsis plantlets as affected by nutrient solution strength.. 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference.11. |
ㆍCui, Y.Y., Y.M. Zhou, L.Wang. E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek.. 2007. |
Effect of different concentrations of NAA and organic compounds on growth of Cymbidium goeringii ‘Songmei’ rhizome. . 9th Asia Pacific orchid Conference..13. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., M.B. Ali, K.W. Yu, and E.J. Hahn. 2006. |
Antioxidant enzymes, lipixqenase activity, ascorbate content, and ginsenoside content in adventitious root of mountain ginseng . Int'l Sym. on Frontiers in Genetics and Biotechnology. Osmania Univ., India.pp. 22-23. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. 2006. |
Bioreactor system for large scale plant culture and secondary metabolite production . 93th Indian Science Cong., India.pp. 93. |
ㆍWu R.Z, M.B. Ali, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Growth and contents of bioactive compounds in Anoectochilus formosanus as affected by photosythetic photon flux(PPF) . 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 90. |
ㆍKim S.J., K.W. Yu, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
The effect of various extraction on useful metablite contents from tissue cultured ginseng roots(Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer). 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 95. |
ㆍRead P.E. and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Plant tissue culture: past, present and prospects for the future. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 321. |
ㆍHahn E.J., K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Application of large-scale bioreactor for plant cell, tissue and organ culture. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 325. |
ㆍHan C.H., Y.H. Lee, M. Jung, S.H. Shin, J.S Yoon, S.H. Choi, D.B. Shin, N.H. Her, K.H. Ryu, K.Y. Paek, and J.H. Lee. 2006. |
Transgenic pepper plants transformed by disease defense related genes. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 334. |
ㆍDewir Y.H., D. Chakrabarty, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Flowering of Euphorbia Millii plantlets in vitro affected by paclobutrazol, light emitting diodes and sucrose. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 343. |
ㆍLee E.J., E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek.. 2006. |
Effects of chemical and physical environments on cell culture of Gymnema sylvestre. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 344. |
ㆍShohael A.M., K.W. Yu, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Somatic embryogenesis and secondary metabolite production through bioreactor culture of siberian ginseng(Eleutherococcus senticosus) . 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 344. |
ㆍWu C.H., E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Optimization of culture conditions for biomass and secondary metabolite production from adventitious roots of Echinacea angusotofolia. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 344. |
ㆍJo E.A, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Shoot multiplication and growth of Alocasia amazonica in bioreactors. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 345. |
ㆍNam C.W., D.L Yoo, S.J. Kim, J.T Suh, W.B. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2006. |
Germination of polytrichum commune as affected by pH and temperature. 27th Intl. Horticultural Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea.pp. 411. |
ㆍPaek K.Y and E.J. Hahn. 2004. |
Orchid industry in korea and related research. 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference. Tainaa, Taiwan. pp. 29. |
ㆍSivakumar G., K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Effect of iron on ginseng adventitious rooting performance and secondary metabolites production in large-scale bioreactor Int. Sym. on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants. Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST, Tokyo, Japan.pp. 39. |
ㆍDewir Y.H., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
In vitro flowering of Sathiphyllum cannifolium: Influences of gibberellic acid, culture type and sucrose concentration. 5th IVCHB Symposium, In vitro culture and horticultural breeding: Biotechnology, as theory and practice in horticulture.Debrecen, Hungary. pp. 73. |
ㆍSivakumar G. and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Engineered squalene enhances the production of functional bioactive secondary metabolites in a pilot-scale bioreactor derived ginseng adventitious roots: A novel tool for nutraceutical. International Symp. on Science & Technology in Agriculture: Current and Future.The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS), Beijing, China. pp. 35. |
ㆍHahn E.J., S.Y. Park, Y.J. Yoon, and K.Y. Paek. 2004. |
Micropropagation of doritaenopsis hybrid orchids and related physiology. 5th IVCHB Symposium, In vitro culture and horticultural breeding: Biotechnology, as theory and practice in horticulture.Debrecen, Hungary. pp. 27 . |
ㆍPaek K.Y., E.J. Hahn, K.W. Yu., and G. Sivakumar. 2004. |
Bioreactor system for large-scale plant cultures and secondary metabolite production. 5th IVCHB Symposium, In vitro culture and horticultural breeding: Biotechnology, as theory and practice in horticulture.Debrecen, Hungary. pp. 42. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and E.J Hahn. 2003. |
Increase of saponin content via elicitor treatments in bioreactor culture of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) adventitious roots. The 3th world congress on medicinal and aromatic plants for human welfare, Chiang Mai, Thailand.pp. 133. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., E.J. Hahn, K.W. Yu, and C.S. Cheong. 2003. |
Commercial scale production of bioactive componds through large-scale bioreactor culture of medicinal plants. 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology In Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications. Tampere, Finland.pp. 4. |
ㆍKim E.K. E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Propagation of multiple shoots and microbulbs of garlic through bioreactor system. 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology In Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications. Tampere, Finland.pp. 31. |
ㆍJeong C.S, K.W. Yu, E.J Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Effects of O2, CO2, and C2H4 on growth and bioactive compound production in bioreactor culture of ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) adventitious roots . 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology In Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications. Tampere, Finland.pp. 4. |
ㆍPark S.Y., W.Y. Lee, J.K. Anh, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Mass production of Allium victorialis using bioreactor system. International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 130. |
ㆍDewir Y., E.J. Hahn, Y.J. Yoon, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
In vitro reversion of floral bud into vegetative bud in Euphorbia millii. International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 135. |
ㆍDewir Y., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
In vitro multiplication and growth of Spathiphyllum cannifolium - 1. Effect of cytokinin type and their interaction with auxins. International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 136. |
ㆍDewir Y., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
In vitro multiplication and growth of Spathiphyllum cannifolium - 2. Effect of MS salt strength and sucrose concentration. International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 137. |
ㆍThanh N.T., K.W. Yu., E.J. Hahn,, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Effects of oxygen on cell growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor cultures of mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 140. |
ㆍThanh N.T., C.S. Joeng, J.E. Kim, K.W. Yu., E.J. Hahn,, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Effects of carbon dioxide on cell growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor cultures of mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 141. |
ㆍThanh N.T., K.W. Yu., E.J. Hahn,, and K.Y. Paek. 2003. |
Effects of ethylene on cell growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor cultures of mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). International symposium and congress for development of core plant biotechnology for next generation. Chungbuk national university, Korea.pp. 142. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., K.W. Yu, C.S. Cheong, E.J. Hahn. 2003. |
Adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseng in bioreactors for commercial scale production of bioactive compounds. International symposium on bioprocess and biomolecular engineering. East china university of science and technology (ECUST), Shanghai.pp. 57. |
ㆍCui Y.Y., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Physiological and biochemical responses of Doritaenopsis 'Tinny Tender' under drought conditions. 17th world orchid conference and show, Shah alam, Malaysia.pp. 42. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2002. |
Application of bioreactor system for scale up production of horticultural and medicinal plants. 1st Int. Symp. Liquid systems for in vitro mass propagation of plants, As, Norway.pp. 20. |
ㆍHahn E.J. and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Plantlet growth and CO2 concentration in the culture vessel as affected by medium supply in bioreactor culture of Chrysanthemum. 1st Int. Symp. Liquid systems for in vitro mass propagation of plants, As, Norway.pp. 25. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and E.J. Hahn. 2002. |
Commercial production of Panax ginseng using bioreactor system. 10th IAPT&B congress Plant biotechnology, Orlando, Florida, USA..pp. 144-A. |
ㆍKim S.J., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Application of bioreactor culture for large scale production of Chrysanthemum transplants. ⅩⅩⅥth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada..pp. 82. |
ㆍKim Y.S., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Methyl jasmonate increases saponin content in bioreactor culture of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) adventitious roots. ⅩⅥth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada.pp. 201. |
ㆍYun J.S., E.Y. Hong, I.H. Kim, T. Yun, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Identification of somaclonal variation in Doritaenopsis 'Happy Valentine'. ⅩⅩⅥth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada.pp. 313. |
ㆍEun J.S. , J.H. Jeong, D. Chakrabarty, Y.S. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
A protocol for detection of sweetpotato feathery mottle virus in tissue culture regenerated plants by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. ⅩⅩⅥth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada.pp. 316. |
ㆍCui Y.Y., E.J Hahn, J.K. Hwang, and K.Y. Paek. 2002. |
Growth and physiological response of hydroponically grown Doritaenopsis 'Tinny Tender' to water stress. ⅩⅩⅥth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada.pp. 474. |
ㆍShin K.S., Y.Y. Cui, M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, S. Ichihashi, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Environmental factors affect micropropagation and hydroponic culture of Phalaenopsis hybrids. APOC7, Nagoya, Aichi.pp. 73. |
ㆍPark S.Y. and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Micropropagation of Doritaenopsis hybrids through root-tip cultures. APOC7, Nagoya, Aichi.pp. 87. |
ㆍMurthy H.N., A.N. Pyati, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Micropropagation of Aerides maculosum. APOC7, Nagoya, Aichi.pp. 102. |
ㆍHeo J.W., C.W. Lee, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Supplemental blue or red light with low photosynthetic photon flux in sunrise and sunset twilight influence growth and morphogenesis of ageratum, marigold, and salvia seedlings cultured in greenhouse. HortScience.36(3):565. |
ㆍCui Y.Y., M.W. Jeon, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Enviromental factors affect hydrophnic culture of Doritaenopsis 'Tinny Tender'. International Symposium on Growing Media & Hydroponics, Alnarp, Sweden.A12. |
ㆍYoon Y.J., S.J. Kim, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Growth and acclimatization of gerbera transplants using microhydroponic culture. International Symposium on Growing Media & Hydroponics, Alnarp, Sweden.A4. |
ㆍYu K.W., C.S. Jeong, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Jasmonic acid improves ginsenoside accumulation in adventitious root culture of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer Biochemical engineering and biotechnology in the 21st century. East china university of science and technology, Shanghai.pp. 44. |
ㆍChang H.S., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
In vitro propagation of Zantedechia albomaculata cv. 'Black Magic' as influenced by types and concentrations of cytokinin Plant cell biotechnology for molecular breeding. Kyungju, Korea.pp. 80. |
ㆍJeong J.H., K.W. Yu, D. Chakrabarty, S.J. Kim, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
In vitro regeneration and plantlet formation from adventitious roots of Rehmannia glutinosa. Plant cell biotechnology for molecular breeding. Kyungju, Korea.pp. 115. |
ㆍKim Y.S., C.Y. Edward, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Lateral root formation and saponin production in adventitious ginseng roots (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) Histological Aspect. Plant cell biotechnology for molecular breeding. Kyungju, Korea.pp. 150. |
ㆍKim Y.S., C.S. Jeong, K.W. Yu, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2001. |
Effects of elements and pH of the medium on ginseng adventitious root (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) culture. Plant cell biotechnology for molecular breeding. Kyungju, Korea.pp. 151. |
ㆍGao W., L Fan, E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Active compounds production by bioreactor culture system in medicinal plants carthamus tinctorius and bupleurm falcatum. The International Chinese MED news, Asiamed magazine Vol. 11.. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., E.J. Hahn, J.W. Heo, and S.H. Son. 2000. |
Micropropagation of ornamental plants using bioreactor system. International Symposium on Transplant Production in Closed System for Solving the Global Issues on Environmental Conservation, Food, Resources and Energy. Chiba University, Japan.pp. 53. |
ㆍHahn E.J., K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000. |
Growth and acclimatization of in vitro plantlets by applying hydroponic culture technique International Symposium on Transplant Production in Closed System for Solving the Global Issues on Environmental Conservation, Food, Resources and Energy. Issues on Environmental Conservation, Food, Resources and Energy. Chiba University, Japan.pp. 54. |
ㆍChoi K.Y., K.Y. Paek, and Y.B. Lee. 2000. |
Effect of air temperature on tipburn incidence of butterhead and leaf lettuce in a plant factory. International Symposium on Transplant Production in Closed System for Solving the Global Issues on Environmental Conservation, Food, Resources and Energy. Chiba University, Japan.pp. 63. |
ㆍYu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Effects of NO3-:NH4+ ratio and ionic strength on adventitious root growth and ginsenoside production in bioreactor culture of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. The 4th International Symposium on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.pp. 24. |
ㆍKim Y.S., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
A large scale production of Lilium Bulblets by bioreactor culture. The 4th International Symposium on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding.pp. 40. |
ㆍHeo J.W., C.W Lee, and K.Y Paek. 2000. |
Characteristics of growth and morphogenesis of ageratum, marigold, and salvia plug seedlings cultured under mixing light with fluorescent lamp and light-emitting diode. 4th International ISHS Symposium on Artificial Lighting.pp. 14. |
ㆍBoo H.O., K.S. Shin, J.W. Heo, J.H. Jeong, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Betalain synthesis on in vitro hairy root of red beet cultured under different light qualities. 4th International ISHS Symposium on Artificial Lighting.pp. 42. |
ㆍYu K.W., E.J. Hahn, and K.Y. Paek. 2000. |
Production of adventitious ginseng roots using bioreactors. The Korea and Canada Joint Symposium on prospect and commercialization of biotechnology industry in 21st century. Chungbuk, Korea.pp. 309-315. |
ㆍYang C.S., E.J. Hahn, K.Y. Paek, and K. Toyoki. 1999. |
Blue and red emitting diodes affect growth of Rehmannia glutinosa libosch plantlets at different sucrose concentrations and number of air exchanges. ISHS Working Group 'Quality Management in Micropropagation' University College, Cork, Ireland.pp. 186. |
ㆍSeon J.H., Y.Y. Cui, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Photosynthetic responses changes of carbohydrates and survival rate of in vitro cultured Rehmannia glutinosa during acclimatization period. Plant biology Canada '99, Saskatoon, Sask.. |
ㆍShin K.S., E.J. Hahn, K.W. Yu, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Several substances reduced medium and tissue browning and phenolic content during protocorm culture of Phalaenopsis in vitro. Nagoya International Orchid Congress '99. Nagoya, Japan.pp. 5 . |
ㆍHahn E.J., M.W. Jeon, and K.Y. Paek. 1999. |
Culture methods and growing media affect growth and flower quality of Gerbera jamesoniio. Sani Beach Holiday Resort - Kassandra Halkidiki, Macedonia Greece.pp. 55. |
ㆍLee S.S., C.H. Oh, and K.Y. Paek. 1998. |
Cultivation of the orchid plants on the soils of Korean native orchids. Nagoya International Orchid Congress '98, Nagoya, Japan.pp. 8. |
ㆍSeon J.H., Y.I. Choi, K.W. Yoo, M.H. Kim, S.J. Lee, S.H. Son, and K.Y. Paek. 1998. |
Application of bioreactor for the production of saponin by adventitious roots cultures in Panax ginseng. IX International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Jerusalem, Israel.pp. 52. |
ㆍSeon J.H., S.H. Son, J.D. Jeong, and K.Y. Paek. 1998. |
Effect of medium composition and flicitors on the taxol production from cell suspension cultures of yew trees. IX International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Jerusalem, Israel.pp. 52. |
ㆍPaek K.Y.. 1997. |
In vitro flowering during tissue culture. Molecular biology and biotechnology of flowering, Kumho & Environmental Science Laboratory Workshop No. 2.pp. 23. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., G.B. Shim, and M.S. Heui. 1997. |
Effect of artificial inoculation of CyMV and ORSV in tissue culture orchids on growth response and virus-free orchid production by vidarabine. Nagoya International Orchid Congress '97, Nagoya, Japan.pp. 5. |
ㆍRhee W.Y., Y.H. Cho, K.Y. Paek, and J.G. Whang. 1997. |
Interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of Brassica and Raphanus by ovule culture and their physiological and morphological characteristics. The 8th SABRAO General Congress and The Annual Meeting of the Korean Breeding Society.pp. 149. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., N.S. Sung, and C.H. Park. 1997. |
Year-round production system of pathogen-free stock and micropropagation in Fritillaria thunbergii Ⅱ. World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare Organized by : ICMAP-ISHS-SAIPA, Mendoza, Republica Argentina.pp. 61. |
ㆍHwang J.K., K.Y. Paek, and D.H. Cho. 1997. |
Breeding of the resistant pepper lines (Capsixum annuusm L.) to bacterial spot (Xabthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria) through the anther culture. International symposium on biotechnology of tropical&subtropical species, Queensland, Australia.pp. 58. |
ㆍLim S., J.H. Seon, S.H. Son, Y.H. Lee, S.H. Ma, and K.Y. Paek. 1997. |
Development of pilot scale process for mass production of Lilium bulblets in vitro. International symposium on biotechnology of tropical&subtropical species, Queensland, Australia.pp. 46. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and S.I. Jun. 1994. |
Effect of sucrose gradient and sucrose metabolism on organogenesis through rhizome culture of temperate Cymbidium. VII International Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Firenze.pp. 56. |
ㆍYu K.J., K.Y. Paek, S.I. Park, and N.S. Sung. 1994. |
Micropropagation of Rhemannia glutinosa as medicinal plant by shoot tip and root segment culture. XXIV International Horticultural Congress. Kyoto, Japan.pp. 117. |
ㆍPark M.R. and K.Y. Park. 1994. |
Micropropagation and selection of somaclonal variants in tissue culture of Eustoma gradiflorum. XXIV International Horticultural Congress. Kyoto, Japan.pp. 174. |
ㆍLee C.H. and K.Y. Paek. 1990. |
Assessment of the lomitations of somatic hybidization. HortScience.25(9):164. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. 1989. |
Morphological, physiological and chemical charactiristics of vitrification plants regenerated by tissue culture . Recent Progress in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering in Korea.pp. 59. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. and G.B. Shem. 1989. |
Micropropation and breeding of temperate Cymbidium by rhizome culture in vitro. 86th Ann. Meeting. Arm. Soc. Hort. Sci..pp. 160. |
ㆍHisajima S., K.Y. Paek, K. Namwongprom, and S. Subhandrabandhu. 1988. |
Micropropagation of pcanut plant through reproductive organ culture in vitro . Intertnational Symposium on Application of Biotechnology for small Imdustries Development in Developing Countries. Bangkok, Thailand.pp. 16-17. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., G.B. Shim, and J.J. Kim. 1988. |
Micropropagation of temperate Cymbidium by tissue culture. HortScience.23(3):173. |
ㆍPaek K.Y. 1987. |
Micropropagation of temperate Cymbidium by rhizome culture . International Symposium and Workshop on Gene Manipulation for Pla Improvement in Developing Countries(SABRAO) Kualalumpur, Malaysia.pp. |
ㆍPaek K.Y., S.F. Chandler, and T.A. Thorpe. 1986. |
Micropropagation and selection for salt tolerance in Chinese cabbage. VI Intertnational Congress of Plant Organ and Cell Culture.pp. 102. |